My favorite LP of the game thus far: NearlySeniorCitizen Yetagamer.



I think this is the oldest person I've seen LP Secrets of Grindea by far. Hell, I think that's the oldest Let's Player I've seen in general. That's kind of adorable. :3

It's great that he only starts getting genuinely angry when Vilya starts murdering him over and over. He's in for a treat when he reaches Gigaslime.


Though, Family Plays Co-Op SoG is a strong contender for cutest. Oh my god.

You should tweet these guys video out. :D

Looks like they didn't bother to gear up, given the sword and shield. :( A shame. They have tons more videos of the game on their account too.
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I'm starting to think that, if you're a ghost and someone is in the process of reviving you, you should be completely unable to move. Those kids were all over the place. :p