Need help translating game translation


Green Slime
  1. Hello, I am from vietnam and I would love to play this game, but do I want someone to help me translate this game into vietnamese language?
    thank you


Handsome Moderator
What kind of help? Do you need explanation of english phrases, or an explanation of the tool, or other Vietnamese people? Or something completely different?


Green Slime
Thanks for your answer, but i do not know what to say, i just need someone to help me find the language file in the game directory so that i can edit it in vietnamese!
Sorry, my english is bad :(


Handsome Moderator
To translate the game you need to have it on Steam.
If you have bought it on Steam then you can download the tool to translate the game.
Tools1.png Tools2.png

The translation file has to be translated with the tool.
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