Opening multiplayer save in single player, did I break it?


Green Slime
So I played multiplayer yesterday, which was a lot of fun. I accidentally opened that save file for a single player game, and as I was not the host, I started in my characters house and got a speech from his dad.

1) Did I break the file?
2) What happens if I just continue playing from that file?


Staff member
You did not break the file! Our current system works so that when you're playing multiplayer, your character becomes a "guest" at the host's world, which means the progress happens in that world only.

One of the reasons we chose this system is so that you wouldn't miss out on quests and rewards that your friend already completed before you entered their world. However, we understand it's a bit annoying to have to redo all the quests again when starting a single player campaign, so we're planning to add a feature where you can skip quests that you already completed in another player's world. Haven't gotten around to that yet, though!


Green Slime
Great, thanks for the reply!

I guess it was my intuition that importing a very high level guest is like cheating, and therefore not possible. But if we wanted to we can already cheat easily I suppose...