Problems with payment methods


Hello everyone and sorry if this is the wrong forum section - didn't find a fitting one by reading the descriptions.

As the title says I'm having some trouble with the payment methods.
I have a PayPal accoung I'd like to use, so obviously I click at the PayPal button in the pre-order section on the homepage.

Now I have two possibilities (translated from German):
  • "With my PayPal account" let's me log into my PayPal account but I only get the choice to use a credit card which I don't own.
  • "With debit note or credit card" (of course I want a debit note) let's me enter every data needed but doesn't let me use my already existing PayPal account - I can only create a new one.
Yes, I'm a noob with this stuff, so can someone please give me a hint what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you in advance! ;)

~ Akira


das liegt daran das nich genug geld auf deinem konto ist und die *wir ziehen das einfach von deinem konto ab' funktion für dich wohl deaktiviert ist, du musst selber ( per online banking or what ever ) 13 euro (reicht weil 15 dollar 12 euro nochwas is also nim 13) auf dein paypal konto einzahlen und dann geht das auch mit paypal wieder ohne creditcard ;)


Continueing with english so others understand too ;)

Thanks for your reply. Yes, there is zero money on my PayPal account, I will check again after transferring the 13 EUR on it. I never used my PalPal account, dunno why, it's pretty long ago that I registered there, and I didn't even varify my bank account yet... this means waiting another 2-3 days until their "test payment" reaches my account and i can varify it by entering which values they transferred :-/

I will tell here if it worked then.


Nearly forgot to answer. Long story short: Everything went fine in the end.
After my bank account was varified there was no problem anymore.
After choosing "With my PayPal account" I could pay via debit note.

Thanks again!