[Suggestion] Increase the number of game slots in Single Player Mode


Green Slime

I was wondering why there are only three available slots for single player characters?
I do understand why old games like Secret of Mana [SNES] only had three savegames - because it was a memory problem, but today?

I'd like to have more than three slots to build more than three different character types.

Usage examples:
  • use of different skills with each character (in beta is possible with '/respec' command, but with game release..?)
  • separate characters for 'normal' and 'hard' difficulty (yeah I know difficulty can be changed during gameplay, but thats not what I'd like to do)
  • re-play the game without having to overwrite existing characters
I'm looking forward to your feedback!


Green Slime
I agree with this, and I have also had friends express a desire for more character slots due to the reasons stated above.


Staff member
We've heard this a couple of times before, so it's not impossible that we'll add more slots later on! Not a huge priority to implement right now, but we've written it down :)


For now you guys can do /respec to get your skill points and respend them as you want. I'm pretty sure that's a debug feature that'll get removed, but it's at least an option in the meantime.