Hard Mode single skill reports, level 24:
Whirlslash - 7 attempts, all deaths. Too slow for a boss that moves around quickly.
Heroic Slam - 2 attempts. Savage.
Summon Plant - 1 attempt, beaten soundly.
Frosty Friend - 1 attempt, a quick death. Frosty Friend takes entirely too much damage from the fans, even if put in defensive mode to regen HP. FF is in no way viable for this bossfight, completely useless. Was fun watching her drag his corpse around the ground, though.
Insect Swarm - 1 attempt, beaten easily. Who knew flies were so effective against corpses?
Shadowclone - 1 attempt, killed her in under 10-15 seconds. She never even got to do more than her initial 3 fan tosses, no special attacks at all. Shadowclone remains the ruling champion of 'press button, win game'. Kills Thorn Worms in 1 second too. Hositilis plants, 1.5 seconds. At least Ancient Statues get a single jump off. Good on Shadow of Madness for actually getting 2 hits on me. What's the downside to this skill when you can just pop the HP orbs that drop after you're done spamming the attack button?

Seems kind of sad that people running Shadowclone won't experience as much of a boss battle.
I grind way faster with Shadow on Hard than I do Whirlslash on Normal, wow.