Another month has gone by, and a lot of progress has been made – let’s take a look!


NewGame+ is progressing, a lot of testing is being done, and we’ve added a bunch of new stuff to it! As mentioned before, pins will be included in the NewGame+ run, but a new feature we’ve been testing is adding a bunch of pins used by the enemies! This means that certain enemies carry pins that can make them shoot laserbeams, heal other enemies or themselves, create shields, create slowing fields, spawn more enemies, throw slime at you – you name it!

We’re also playing around with there being a chance of enemies from other areas spawning among the regular enemies of each area, with the aim that these two features will help make the NewGame+ runs a bit more interesting and dynamic.

A few screenshots of these additions can be seen below:

We’ve also decided that when you get an item for the second time, instead of getting a simple copy of the item you got before, you get a +1 version of the same item, with improved stats. This will stack with every new NewGame+ cycle, so if you end up playing through the game 10 times you’ll end up with +10 gear, and so on.

We’ve also scrambled what items you receive in chests as well as quest rewards, so you never know what item you’ll get!

All in all, we’re very excited about these addition and the way NewGame+ is turning out and hope you’ll all enjoy is as much as we do while testing it!

The Production Book

After letting the production book rest for a while, I’ve printed out the whole thing and started the editing process. The book is already quite long but we may still add a few more pages to add more context to some aspects I didn’t spend too much time describing in the first draft – we’ll see!

What about that cruise?

We’re now confirmed that we’ll be joining the geek and gaming cruise Moderskeppet on October 10th! If you haven’t already, make sure to book your ticket for an absolutely amazing evening on board (in fact, I believe it may be completely sold out already but you never know)!

Some New Apparel..

In honor of representing the game at Moderskeppet next week, we’ve ordered some new apparel to look somewhat professional at the event. The black one above is the one we’ll wear as we represent the game, while the rest is stuff we ordered just for fun.

Would YOU be interested in any sort of Secrets of Grindea merch, and if so, what kind? Let us know in the comments!