So… last week I was supposed to post a recap saying we went on a short Halloween-break, but forgot to post it since we were having said break!
Now we’re back, so here’s “last week’s post”, and we’ll continue to post like normal from here :)
Now, it’s not just the ending of Arcade Mode that we’re working on, but also expanding it and cleaning it up so it’s all nice and polished. In this Monday’s meeting, we came up with two new rooms we’d like to try:
First up, a room where you meet the fortune teller Astrid, who tells you which boss is at the end of the floor, and offers you an opportunity to change your fate (that is, for her to change the boss for another one in the pool). Whether or not this will cost you anything we haven’t decided yet – but it’s likely it’ll cost a bit of gold.
The second room we’d like to add is a “Caveling Casino” where you pay gold OR essence for a chance of getting one of a pool of items, which you’ll be able to see beforehand. The items can be things such as equips, buffs, pins, HP pots, or maybe just an apple… We’re considering giving you two chances as well, so if you spent gold on one try, you can spend essence on another – but no more than that.
This addition of essence as a currency on a run is something we’ll likely experiment a bit more with as well, giving you more ways to spend that stuff :)
Finally, we’ve decided to try out a pretty big change – but I’ll have to make a couple tests first to make sure it feels alright… And that is to have each of the shops and special character’s rooms in a run appear inside a specially designed map just for them instead of having them sit in the middle of an ordinary room. So basically the merchant would actually appear in a shop, shadier merchant might appear in a creepy temple like setting, and so on. However, since we don’t want to give away what kind of room you’ll enter in the case of event rooms, I’m gonna have to play around with making an entrance to the house which makes it feel like you came from the outside even though you as a player didn’t see an actual building to enter. It may not make much sense now, but I’ll make a couple tests and you’ll see!
We’ve also been discussing what sort of rewards you’ll get from that chest in the final room before battling either Bishop or Grindea! We want the player to get plenty of rewards, at least three for each level of difficulty, so it won’t just be a reward for the first time you reach the top!
Some of our suggestions so far include:
A diploma that shows you made it. Can be hung on the wall of your house, where it can be inspected showing a proper fancy diploma stating you reached the top floor.
A lood trinket that allows you to keep a Lood with you on your runs.
A Record player which is a furniture item that will change the music inside your house.
Riley as a NPC in Arcadia, who can change the music both in Arcadia and on your runs.
Angel Wings and Demon Wings to decorate your character. We’ll have to try out how this looks with the character’s animations, but if it doesn’t work out we’ll add them as hat versions instead.
A trinket that makes you character levitate when moving and in idle.
A trinket that gives you the same colour scheme as Grindea
and a Cloud hat!
…in no particular order. Do you have any suggestions of your own? We’d love to hear them!
Next up, it’s time to start looking into giving Grindea a proper background instead of the placeholder flying fortress platform she’s currently on! In this sketch, I’m playing around with some aesthethics, trying to give her a place that feels fully her own.
What do you guys think?
 As mentioned before, we wanted to be able to include some indoor areas without having you pass through an actual building first, so I’ve made a little test featuring what it could look like entering a building from Seasonne in this case:
In this example, you’d be in a regular arcade mode Seasonne room, and expect to enter an event room to the right. Instead of going into another outdoor room, you end up in this house instead. Do you think the transition will feel weird seeing as there is no building to enter? We hope that by adding part of the outdoorsy area in the entrance it’ll feel more like you seamlessly transitioned between the two rooms :)
Meanwhile in Fred’s department, it’s all about Grindea, as has been for a while now! Let’s have a look at the most recent animations: