A while back we had supporter tiers where you got to design an item or a quest for Secrets of Grindea as a reward. Now, with the game nearing release, I’ve been going through our lists of these purchases, and the emails our backers sent with instructions to make sure we’ve gotten everything right.
For the most part the items we’ve received designs for have already been put into the game, but there’s a couple we’ve yet to finish. Unfortunately, quite a few haven’t gotten back to us at all yet, meaning there’s a whole bunch of items yet to be designed! While it’s always possible to add items after the game is released, I’d very much like to include as many as possible when the gate reaches 1.0.
To that end, we’ve just sent out another reminder that it’s time to get back to us with your requests. If you know you’ve backed one of the tiers where item design was a reward – please check your mail!
Honestly, I have to say that overall it’s been great collaborating with our supporters to make their ideas a reality. I don’t think it’s too common for game developers to have the opportunity to work so “hands on” with their audience, and we’ve certainly enjoyed the chance to involve you guys in the creative process. We hope that the designs created by our supporters will add to the richness of the game and it’s definitely gonna be interesting to see if anyone can guess which items are collaborations with backers and which ones are not!
As for the actual production of the game, this week’s focus has mainly been the cutscene where the final boss dies. We’ve gone through a bunch of iterations in terms of dialogue and timings, and we’re getting close to being satisfied with the whole thing.
We’ve also added some new effects and NPC animations for the final cutscenes: