Another month has gone by! Time goes by so quickly I almost couldn’t believe it was time to write another of these recaps! So, let’s take a look at dome of the things we’ve been working on :)

New Housing Items

We’ll be adding (at least) three aquariums as housing items! These aquariums come in different sizes and can be filled with the fishes you’ve caught on your journey. We’ve also come up with a system for the fishes and how many you can add (and of which size) which we’ll implement along with them as well. The interface is still only half-done, otherwise I’d have shown that as well:

We’re also adding mannequinns for your house, which allow you to showcase any of your hats or facegear:

And here you can see them both in action in game:

A New Perk

For Arcade Mode, we’re adding a new perk designed for those that wanna get all of the achievements. This particular perk will make sure you only get challenge rooms you haven’t yet managed to clear, and here’s the icon:

Controller Buttons Upgrade

We’re also adding new and improved controller button icons, designed to reflect which type of controller you have! We’ve also updated the default ones so the graphics look at bit better:

Declutter Update

Finally, we’ve added and tested the declutter option we talked about in the last post ! You’ll be able to adjust the setting depending on how much effects you want to see and how often, but essentially less important things (such as friends and item-effects belonging to your friends) will slowly fade out during battle and will reappear once you exit battle again. Here’s some sneak peeks of what this looks like in practice.

First up, the way it used to look:

and here’s what it looks like now:

And here you can see the transition – in the beginning of the battle all of the effects are still visible, only for them to slowly fade out as the battle gets more intense:

We’re actually very happy with this improvement and hope it’ll make things more clear in the heat of battle. And again, you can always adjust these things within the settings to suit your needs.

Next Time…

…the blog will update on August 1 – the beginning of the end of this years summer up here in the cold north. How time flies!