The months go by quickly and soon it’s spring! Let’s take a look at what we’ve been working on since last:

First I cleaned up this background so it could be used for a transition to the Grindea battle in the newgame+ version.

Then, I made a new background for Arcade Mode, which needed different entrances/exits depending on which area the room appears in:

The clocks in the background are sketches left by me for Fred, who will make his own versions and animate them. In fact, he’s already made a couple of versions which can be seen here:

While Fred was working on that, Teddy played around with the background, creating this starry effect:

I also finished up Aevum’s portrait so you can actually talk to him:

The latest iteration of the room can be viewed here, although the light effect behind Aevum is still a work in progress:

Finally, today’s the one year anniversary of Grindea’s official release!! To celebrate, we’re having a week-long sale where you can get the game at a 20% discount! Be sure to get it if you haven’t yet :)

Time for another monthly recap, and as expected, a lot has happened since last time!

First up, let’s take a look at these animated versions of the Totem we mentioned in some previous posts. These are all now functioning and looking really nice, thanks to Fred’s animations:

As for New Game+, we’ve spent a lot of time working on cutscenes to start off the mode and some where the traveler from Arcade Mode pops up to add his pins to the mode. As always, cutscenes are among the most time-consuming for us to make, both in terms of programming and animation, and there will be quite a few to add.

Here’s a little sneak peek of a new animation for the traveler’s appearance in Story Mode, as well as the portal that will take you to the Grindea battle mentioned in the previous recap:

Speaking of cutscenes, there’s also a new face we’ve got to introduce:

This is Aevum, a time wizard in charge of time crystals in Arcade Mode. He’ll get a proper cutscene the first time you’re eligible for a time crystal and die, at which point he’ll introduce the concept of time crystals and rewind time for you for the first time.

He’ll also appear in Story Mode as the one who starts New Game+ for you! Next up on our to-do list is making an arcade room and a portrait for him.


In other news, we’re currently in discussions with Makeship about creating a plushie version of one of the characters from Secrets of Grindea, and we decided to ask our community for their opinion on which character should be released as a plushie.

As you can see below, Bag was the clear winner out of our three suggestions:

If this project moves forward, we’ll begin by launching a petition to gather at least 200 pledges from people interested in purchasing the Bag plushie! If we manage to reach that goal, production can proceed, and everyone who wants one will be able to keep a grouchy-pouchy at home.

Stay tuned for more details soon!

This will be a short post, as we’re all with family right now to celebrate the holidays and relax for a bit. Nevertheless, I wanted to check in here and wish you all a very happy new year – let’s make 2025 a year to remember in all the best ways!

Happy New Year!

And stay tuned for the next monthly recap on February 1st :)

Hello everyone! We’re back with another monthly recap! Getting a bit chilly here in the north, some snow has already started falling. It’s been a pretty productive month, so let’s dive right in!

First up, Fred has spent a lot of time sketching designs for the Totems mentioned last month:

On the gameplay side, we’ve decided to make one significant change: Totems now spawn alongside mobs that must be defeated before the Totem itself can be destroyed. Previously, it was a bit too easy to rush in and take out the Totems first, so hopefully this change will make them stick around a little bit longer!

Fred has also made some animations featuring the titles of the enemy pins, so you’ll actually know what they’re doing! Here’s a bunch of his suggestions:

Which one is your favourite? :D

Next, we’ve had a meeting where we discussed how the potions are going to function when starting and looping through Newgame+. We decided that instead of redoing potion quests to unlock the potions & potion slots again, your rewards for completing the quests will be key items that give them a passive boost. One increases their effect duration, another makes them x% stronger, and a third speeds up their recharge rate. For every loop of newgame+, these key items will grow stronger as well.

We also decided that to unlock the third catalyst, players won’t need to collect all the cards again (after all, you’ll begin your newgame+ run with a full card album). Instead, you’ll face off against Grindea herself! The two other catalysts will be required to unlock this fight, and empty slots symbolizing them will replace the cards on the cave wall.

Initially, we considered replacing the Bishop fight with the Grindea battle, but decided against it. The Bishop fight is a pretty fun and memorable encounter in our opinion, and we didn’t want to lose that experience entirely in Newgame+ loops.

We also took some time to discuss the bow: in Newgame+ you’ll now be able to purchase a +1 upgrade for your bow with each Newgame+ loop. Just a small money sink that will increase your bow’s strength and keep it viable!

Other than that, the production of our Secrets of Grindea art/production book is now officially complete! We’ll be ordering proofs soon, and once they’re approved, the book will be ready for purchase. As mentioned before, our plan is to time its release with a major game update, so stay tuned for more details on that front!

That’s it for this month’s recap! We’re excited about these changes and updates, and we hope you are too. As always, thank you for your continued support and feedback – until next time!

It’s been another fun and exciting month for us here at Pixel Ferrets!

One of the highlights was joining the Moderskeppet cruise, which we mentioned in the last couple of posts. We were absolutely stunned to meet so many passionate fans of the game!! It was a blast seeing how many of you had already played Secrets of Grindea before coming on the cruise, as well as getting to showcase the game to new players.

The cruise in general was absolutely fantastic – we loved connecting with fellow devs on board, trying other games, and having the opportunity to listen to some pretty amazing music. Those of you who didn’t join this time around should definitely do so next year!

Here are some pictures:


On the development front, we’ve been hard at work, testing and refining the new systems for New Game+. We’re currently experimenting with several changes we think you’ll find exciting (we sure do, anyway):

1. Increased EXP
As you get to keep your level when you start a NewGame+ run, there initially wasn’t much leveling going on – the enemies simply don’t grant enough EXP compared to your high level! This ended up feeling a little boring, and we found ourselves longing for the level up animation and getting new skill points to spend. So, our first experiment has been increasing the EXP from enemies and quests, allowing you to start leveling up again when restarting the game!

2. Overleveling Skills
To give you something to spend your skill points on, we’re adding a new system to the game (for NewGame+ only): overleveling. In other words, you’ll be able to keep leveling skills beyond their original cap. The difference per level won’t be huge, but it’s a lot more satisfying and feels like your character is still making some sort of progress.

3. New Pin Slot Mechanics
Players will now start with just one pin slot in NewGame+, but you can unlock additional slots using skill points. This gives skill points another valuable purpose, as many players have likely settled on their favorite skills at this point and won’t need to spend all their points overleveling them.

4. Totems with Pins:
We’ve also introduced three new ‘enemies’, called Totems. The main purpose of the Totems are that they carry enemy pins – they aren’t proper enemies in the sense that they drop cards or give you EXP. In essence, they’re more like obstacles that make battles more difficult. Here’s a breakdown:

“Weak Totem”: Can hold up to three pins but is relatively fragile.
“Tanky Totem”: A sturdier option that can hold one or two pins.
“Mobile Totem”: This totem moves around like a Lantern Jack and holds one or two pins.

The pins the Totems carry can do anything from healing or shielding nearby enemies, sending occasional laser beams your way, or any other number of things to make your life more difficult.

If you have ideas for more enemy pins you’d like to see, please share your ideas in the comments or over on our Discord!

The Production Book

Our production book is also coming along nicely. It’s currently going through a rigorous editing process, and we’ve added 18 new pages, bringing the total to a pretty impressive 149 pages for now! We’re still tweaking and refining things, so there might be even more content by the time it’s finalized.

By the time of the next update we hope this editing phase will be done, which means everything will be proof read one more time before we’re ready to start sending it out. We expect the publishing to align with a bigger update or perhaps with the 1 year anniversary of the game’s full release – we’ll see!

Another month has gone by, and a lot of progress has been made – let’s take a look!


NewGame+ is progressing, a lot of testing is being done, and we’ve added a bunch of new stuff to it! As mentioned before, pins will be included in the NewGame+ run, but a new feature we’ve been testing is adding a bunch of pins used by the enemies! This means that certain enemies carry pins that can make them shoot laserbeams, heal other enemies or themselves, create shields, create slowing fields, spawn more enemies, throw slime at you – you name it!

We’re also playing around with there being a chance of enemies from other areas spawning among the regular enemies of each area, with the aim that these two features will help make the NewGame+ runs a bit more interesting and dynamic.

A few screenshots of these additions can be seen below:

We’ve also decided that when you get an item for the second time, instead of getting a simple copy of the item you got before, you get a +1 version of the same item, with improved stats. This will stack with every new NewGame+ cycle, so if you end up playing through the game 10 times you’ll end up with +10 gear, and so on.

We’ve also scrambled what items you receive in chests as well as quest rewards, so you never know what item you’ll get!

All in all, we’re very excited about these addition and the way NewGame+ is turning out and hope you’ll all enjoy is as much as we do while testing it!

The Production Book

After letting the production book rest for a while, I’ve printed out the whole thing and started the editing process. The book is already quite long but we may still add a few more pages to add more context to some aspects I didn’t spend too much time describing in the first draft – we’ll see!

What about that cruise?

We’re now confirmed that we’ll be joining the geek and gaming cruise Moderskeppet on October 10th! If you haven’t already, make sure to book your ticket for an absolutely amazing evening on board (in fact, I believe it may be completely sold out already but you never know)!

Some New Apparel..

In honor of representing the game at Moderskeppet next week, we’ve ordered some new apparel to look somewhat professional at the event. The black one above is the one we’ll wear as we represent the game, while the rest is stuff we ordered just for fun.

Would YOU be interested in any sort of Secrets of Grindea merch, and if so, what kind? Let us know in the comments!

Hello everyone – I hope you’ve enjoyed the summer! Here in the north, the weather is slowly progressing into autumn, with leaves turning yellow and auburn.

NewGame+ Status

As promised, we’ve started the development of NewGame+ and actually already come to a point where we’ve been able to do some basic testing!

Essentially, we’ve decided that in NewGame+ you will keep your character, your level and your gear. The enemies are more difficult – somewhat balanced to your level – and you will be able to collect an infinite number of cards. Yes, that means you can collect one hundred Rabby cards, if you like. The card effects will stack but possibly not at 100% – more testing is needed.

There will also be pins! Some of the pins from Arcade Mode won’t be able to carry over due to how different the modes are, so instead we’ve been brainstorming new pins specifically for Story Mode – some of which may also be added to Arcade Mode in the future. We’ll give you a list of our ideas later on but until then, feel free to share what pins you’d like to see in Story Mode!

Naturally we’ve had some discussions regarding the pins in this mode, specifically about how you’ll be able to get them. For now the idea is that one will spawn everytime you kill a boss, as well as them having a low chance of spawning on killing regular enemies. There will also be a small, randomized pool being sold by the Traveller (who can reroll the pool for a fee). This is subject to change depending on how we feel during further testing.

We’re also considering an idea that once you finish NewGame+ and start another NewGame+ run, you’ll have access to one more pin slots – which means that theoritically, if you play through the game enough times, you’ll be able to equip every pin in the game at the same time! Again, more testing needed here, but we think the idea is a lot of fun!

Going on a Cruise?!

In other news: we’ve been invited to showcase Secrets of Grindea at Moderskeppet which is a geek and gaming cruise taking place from the 10th to 11th of October, starting and ending in Stockholm, Sweden.

Right now we’re currently unsure if we’ll be able to attend but we certainly hope so, so if you’re in Stockholm early October be sure to check it out! Don’t delay too long, though, as rooms are already getting close to sold out.

We’ll of course let you know if we’ll be there during next month’s recap which should be available about a week before the cruise.

Next Time…

We should have been able to test the NewGame+ features some more and ironed out some further details on how things will work. Stay tuned!

Hello everyone – time for this month’s recap!

This post will actually be pretty short as we’ve all been on a summer break for a couple of weeks, but we recently got back and got a new frontline patch up and running:

This patch includes the clarity improvements mentioned in the last few blog posts, new housing items (the mannequinns and aquariums showcased before), new button graphics for more controller types, and the perk that allows you to get challenge rooms you haven’t beaten yet in Arcade Mode! It also includes a bunch of adjustments and bug fixes.

The full patch notes can be read here.

Next up we’re starting work for real on the New Game+, so look forward to that! :D

Another month has gone by! Time goes by so quickly I almost couldn’t believe it was time to write another of these recaps! So, let’s take a look at dome of the things we’ve been working on :)

New Housing Items

We’ll be adding (at least) three aquariums as housing items! These aquariums come in different sizes and can be filled with the fishes you’ve caught on your journey. We’ve also come up with a system for the fishes and how many you can add (and of which size) which we’ll implement along with them as well. The interface is still only half-done, otherwise I’d have shown that as well:

We’re also adding mannequinns for your house, which allow you to showcase any of your hats or facegear:

And here you can see them both in action in game:

A New Perk

For Arcade Mode, we’re adding a new perk designed for those that wanna get all of the achievements. This particular perk will make sure you only get challenge rooms you haven’t yet managed to clear, and here’s the icon:

Controller Buttons Upgrade

We’re also adding new and improved controller button icons, designed to reflect which type of controller you have! We’ve also updated the default ones so the graphics look at bit better:

Declutter Update

Finally, we’ve added and tested the declutter option we talked about in the last post ! You’ll be able to adjust the setting depending on how much effects you want to see and how often, but essentially less important things (such as friends and item-effects belonging to your friends) will slowly fade out during battle and will reappear once you exit battle again. Here’s some sneak peeks of what this looks like in practice.

First up, the way it used to look:

and here’s what it looks like now:

And here you can see the transition – in the beginning of the battle all of the effects are still visible, only for them to slowly fade out as the battle gets more intense:

We’re actually very happy with this improvement and hope it’ll make things more clear in the heat of battle. And again, you can always adjust these things within the settings to suit your needs.

Next Time…

…the blog will update on August 1 – the beginning of the end of this years summer up here in the cold north. How time flies!

Hello everyone! This post is a few days late due to me being away over the weekend – but a lot of stuff has been going on behind the scenes, so let’s take a look at what’s new!

New Patch: The Difficulty Update

First up, the new difficulties are now available on all platforms! That means the new “Chill Mode” (aka Easy Mode) is live, which we hope will suit players who want to go on an adventure but not necessarily be under a lot of pressure skill-wise! Go try that out if you haven’t already. The Hard Mode and Expert Modes are also live, and in general we’re very happy with this update so far. For more information about the new modes, check out the last blog post or the patch notes!

Aside from the new difficulty settings, there are also changes to the display options, as well as the possibility to adjust controller deadzone and assign the DPad to be a quickslot shortcut instead of being used for movement. We’ve also added proper translator credits, where authors of the fan-translations now have the option to appear at the start of the game, and during the credits, and the difficult Phase Shift Course no longer has to be fully completed in order to get the True Ending.

Improving Visibility

Besides the difficulty, one of the things we really feel we want to try to address in the game is the clarity/readability of the action. That is, to reduce the risk of the character “getting lost” in the playfield. This is especially common when playing in multiplayer, and playing with summons. The amount of moving things on the screen can reach quite ridiculous levels, and sometimes it’s hard to keep track of where you are, and where threats might be coming from.

Tackling this feels both important, as well as an interesting design and technical challenge! We have already done some promising tests, including reducing the opacity of certain effects so they don’t block everything behind them, and conversely, having a layer on top of the playfield where “important things” (like the player character and enemies about to strike) can be subtly rendered again to make them pop more, and even be slightly visible through other less important things.

Another thing we’re going to experiment with is making damage numbers semi-transparent when they obscure the player, since they can sometimes completely block a player standing above them.

All the adjustments will be applied a bit more strongly to effects and summons of allies, since they are likely of less importance to you.

The challenge here is of course to help the visibility without making things look weird, and to use these techniques only when they help more than they take away! We’re prototyping a system that is going to detect how cluttered things are getting based on the number of players, enemies, spells and environmental hazards that are active. The system gradually moves between different levels of “clarity assistance”. In the option menu, you’ll be able to select if you want the system active, and perhaps also adjust how sensitive it is before it starts to adjust things to be more clear.

The Production Booklet

After another month, the first draft of the production booklet – well, more like production book at this point – is now finished. It’s currently at 135 pages, but I will likely add a few more before it’s all done. I’m letting it rest a little now and will read through it all and add any bonus pages once I’m able to look at it with fresh eyes.

In the meantime, here’s a preview of some more pages from the book! Please note that I haven’t made the final edit of the text yet, so forgive any mistakes or clunky sentences. I’m also going to realign the clouds so they fit the spreads seamlessly once all pages are done!

Next Time…

…the blog post should appear as scheduled, on July 1! Stay tuned :D