This week I’ve been finishing up the puzzle room – which first of all meant adding a couple smaller details, such as this wooden part that is whole in the past and broken in the present:

Speaking of past and present, the room background needed a proper broken down present version, so here’s that as well:

We’ve also been playing around with making the map indoor rather than outdoor:

Would you guys prefer it to be in the skies or inside a proper room?

Another thing we’ve been working on in regards to the puzzle room is the effect of clearing the rooms. Here’s some of the progress, where we went from a season change-like effect to something closer to the shattering of a mirror! Note that the proper graphics for this haven’t been made yet, but you’ll get an idea of the concept:

We’ve also been discussing the Ending Theme song(s), as it’s high time to send out sound and music requests to our awesome sound and music designers, giving them some time to work on this before release. I’m very interested to hear what they come up with, as I’m sure you are too! As a reminder, the sound effects are made by Fark and the music by Lucky Lion Studios, both awesome people we’re so happy to have along for this adventure!

Another week, and more puzzle room stuff! Since the background was finished, it’s time to move on the the various puzzle components – and for this puzzle in particular that means making a whole bunch of statues! Each of these statues need both a past and a present version, meaning they change depending on what side of a time rift you’re on. Move the statues around in the past and new and strange things might happen in the present.

Here’s the statues and their various states in question:

Fred’s making stuff for the puzzles as well! Here’s a mirror with some flowers that bloom in summer and block the mirror in autumn:

There’s also a bunch of new effects and a bunch of animations for the Grindea battle! Let’s have a look at those:

Next week, we’ll take a look at the (hopefully) finished bits and pieces of these puzzle rooms! Stay tuned!

Finally, it’s time to take a look at the final puzzle room, which marks one of the last couple of backgrounds for me. This time it’s a mixture of Puzzle World-inspired graphics along with a healthy dose of season change! So let’s begin:

Of course, this background will appear in three different seasons as well – autumn, winter and summer – so time to add a bit more detail:

Teddy and Fred are working on more cutscenes and the final bits and pieces here and there, and the production booklet is coming along nicely as well! Since I’m working on the final bits on the game now, I’ll soon begin the little Grindea related side-project we mentioned a while back as well, but I’ll give you more info on that once things are a bit more planned out. Stay tuned!

The main focus this week continous to be endgame stuff, boss polish and cutscenes, but since the progress on those is a bit more abstract to show, let’s take a look at another one of the puzzle backgrounds instead:

This puzzle room features a whole lot of phase shifting mixed with twilight! You saw a prototype of this puzzle a few weeks ago, but now it finally has a proper background as well :)

Fred has also spent some time on the puzzles, creating a “mirror core” you need to crush in each of the puzzle rooms in order to progress further! Here’s the progress of that project, from early sketches to finished version:


Next week it’s time to reveal the background for the third and final puzzle! Stay tuned! :)

Another week and more ending related progress! This time, let’s have a look at one of the puzzle backgrounds, inspired by the early arena:

In this room you’ll deal with three classical block puzzles, one of which is the older, more difficult version of the one that appears in the arena! Those of you who have played the game way back may remember it – it was later replaced by an easier version that better fit those early parts of the game.

The main focus for Teddy and Fred is the cutscenes, so let’s have a little preview of one of the last cutscenes of Arcade Mode! First, an early prototype:

Then, adding some more details:

We weren’t entirely happy with how the hand looked, and felt the whole composition looked a little lame, so we played around with another setup:

Leading, finally, to this version:

This week we’ll continue working on the final backgrounds, the production booklet and the remaining cutscenes! Almost there :)

Another week and more stuff to do and talk about! This week I went back to some art stuff in between writing on the book, finishing up one of the final battle rooms! This here is where you get to battle Dad, and we’ll transform the room a bit for your fight against Zhamla – but that’s for later! :)

We’ve also started something that really makes it feel like we’re at the home strech – one final playthrought. For one hour every day we’re currently doing a multiplayer playthrough of the entire game together, from start to finish. This is to see if we’ve missed any inconsistencies or bugs before release – don’t worry, we’re not adding long lists of polish to add, this is solely for storyline consistency and bug purposes, and to iron out anything that feels off. In other words, the finishing touches, if you will. When we’re not doing the playthrough we’re focusing on the final parts of the game. For me and Teddy, that’s Story Mode – for Fred, it’s finishing up some last remaining graphics for the Arcade Mode ending. Here’s a little sneak peek:

Two different versions – one longer, one shorter. Which one do you prefer? :)

This week I’ve been going through all the blog posts we made throughout 2013 and 2014 to refresh my memory and save some of the stuff posted there. The word count for the production book is now 22,548 with 9 more years to account for! Quite the tome already – but as I said last week, we’ll make a lot of cuts before we have the finished product.

I must say it’s quite the journey to read about all the stuff we did, all of our early plans for the game and small tidbits about we were doing with our lives. Though a lot has changed throughout the years, our work on Secrets of Grindea has been the one thing that’s always been there. Looking back at certain graphics I made I can pinpoint exactly where I was in my life when I made it and how it felt sitting there right in that moment. And though I’m looking at things that are more than 10 years old it somehow feels just like yesterday.

Looking at the crazy amount of ideas we had for the game back then also makes me very inspired for the future. A lot of great ideas didn’t make it into Secrets of Grindea, but perhaps they can be used for the next project? Of course, we haven’t decided on what that next game might be yet, but we have a lot of suggestions and reading up on our old ideas really make me excited.

A bit unexpectedly, there’s a whole bunch of things we made that still haven’t made it into the game as well! Anyone remember these little guys?

They were supposed to appear in Seasonne as decorations and first appeared on the blog way back in 2013, right about the time when we also somehow forgot about them forever. Going through the old archives sure is full of unexpected treasures!

Teddy is mainly focused on prototyping the final puzzles, so here’s a sneak peek of part of one such puzzle (featuring some twilight shift action), as well as some graphic details for what happens when you’ve solved a puzzle and return to the elevator room:

Fred meanwhile continues to make animations for the battle against Dad! Here’s one of his attack animations:

Hey guys! Thank you all for your kind messages – I’m happy to say that the exercises I was given by the doctor worked wonders and I feel a lot better now! Good enough, in fact, that I’ve spent a lot of time writing that production booklet. In the end, it’s threatening to become more than a mere booklet – at this pace it’s gonna be a full lenght book by the end of it. We’ll probably try to narrow it down towards the end – I doubt anyone want to read a full novel-lenght’s worth of how we designed the game. For now though I’m trying to put in as much information as possible since it’s a lot easier to cut things out than squeeze them in afterwards. As such, the outline has grown a lot since the last time you saw it:

I’m still not sure how much of this we’ll keep or in how much detail we should go, but once it’s all in place we can start cutting things or moving them around. At present, I’ve gone through the first year of weekly blog posts to refresh my memory, and that has resultet in 13,624 words written. That means there’s still ten years worth of stuff to read. For reference, a full-length novel is usually around 80-100k words, so it’ll certainly be interesting to see how long this turns out in the end. Of course, most of the more complex systems and mechanics were designed right at the beginning so it’s likely the latter years will be more focused on art and lesser designs, things that won’t need as many words to describe them.

As for Teddy and Fred, they’re mainly focused on the battle against Dad and Zhamla. One of his new attacks involve a plant summon, much like your own but a lot bigger! Let’s have a look:

Hey guys, this is just a quick update from me!

We’re all finally done with covid/the flu, but a little while after getting better I got diagnosed with something called Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. We’re currently guessing it’s because I was recently sick, but nobody really knows why it happens. Anyway, it means that I’m currently having big problems being at the computer as I’m suffering from a lot of vertigo and nausea. I’m currently doing a bunch of exercises that will help me get better quicker – and it’s a lot better already, thankfully – but, just typing these few sentences is almost making me wanna throw up so I’ll try to bring you guys a more detailed update next week, or have Teddy or Fred type one out for you then.

Rest assured, Teddy and Fred are working as I type this so progress is still happening! Just not a lot of updates right now, haha. Thanks again for your continued support, it means the world <3

Okay, so as mentioned last week I’ve been spending a lot of time doing some writing on the production booklet that will be available for all Snowbacca Tier supporters for free (and also – at least very likely – available for a small price for everyone else).

This booklet will detail the whole process of how we made the game, from idea to finish, and the things we changed in between. It’s probably gonna be quite long – so a lot of my time is gonna be spent on this in the near future. Writing is one of my favourite past times, but finishing a whole book does take some time. Perhaps it’s good, then, that most of the art for Grindea has been finished (although there’s still a few backgrounds left).

Today, let’s start off with taking a look at the basic outline:

The biggest part here will be the Story Mode part, in which we’ll go into detail of how we made each of the areas. A lot of the material from this blog will be featured there, but in a compressed version. Arcade Mode will likely be something similar but divided into what made us create the mode and then two separate parts for Arcadia and the actual floors. Of course, this is all a work in progress still, and we may yet change or add sections.

After taking a look at this basic outline, is there anything you feel is missing? Or anything in particular you’d like to know more about? Let us know and we might just add it in :)

Now, as you can see we’re missing some stuff from Teddy & Fred’s department this week, and that’s because we’re struggling a bit with what’s very likely covid-19 at the moment (my test came out negative but another person from the same small gathering we went to tested positive the same day, so it might just have been a false negative).

Either way, I’ve only just gotten sick and it’s not showing any signs of getting better yet so most likely next week will be a devblog free week, as I’m anticipating I’ll spend the next bunch of days in bed. With any luck, we’ll be back again on August 15 with more new stuff! Until then, take care of yourselves out there :)