Recent content by Mvalliere

  1. Mvalliere

    Grindea on the 3ds

    I'm glad some people agree with me! I feel like Grindea was made for the 3ds!
  2. Mvalliere

    Grindea on the 3ds

    yeah, out of all those I would probably buy a Hoodie personally
  3. Mvalliere

    Grindea on the 3ds

    haha yeah man............................
  4. Mvalliere

    other platforms?

    but that isn't proving that vita has more games bought per system than 3ds... just that they have 10/system
  5. Mvalliere

    other platforms?

    not that I don't believe you, but do you have a source for the attach rate?
  6. Mvalliere

    other platforms?

    I have been looking for vita numbers online but cant seem to find any, how do you know this? I guess I don't know for sure that there are more 3ds sales because of that but still I believe it is true. I know this is anecdotal, but when I recently went to PAX east, I saw hundreds and hundreds...
  7. Mvalliere

    other platforms?

    Most if not all games look better on the vita I would agree, better screen, better graphics power, etc. 3ds has a much larger user base tho so it would probably make the devs more money.
  8. Mvalliere

    other platforms?

    Out of curiosity, what makes you say it feels more like a vita game?
  9. Mvalliere

    Grindea on the 3ds

    Yeah the 3d aspect of it doesn't really matter that much to me, although the graphic style would lend itself well to 3d imo.
  10. Mvalliere

    other platforms?

    Totally agree with the 3ds, I posted a thread here: Suggestions Forum This type of game (pixel art, pick up and play) is perfect for a handheld and 3ds has the biggest user base.
  11. Mvalliere

    Grindea on the 3ds

    Are there any plans to port SoG to 3ds once the initial development is finished? I believe this would be a perfect game for a handheld and the 3ds / 2ds and sales are closing in on 15million between the US and the UK. Priced at $10.00, this game would kill on the e-shop imo. I know I would buy...