Recent content by Redanox

  1. Redanox

    Hardmode + loot?

    Ok, so as far as we know, it gives no extra benefits... So that damn Pecko's just needs to be killed like a 1000 times more xD Got pretty tired of just killing him, move to room next to him and return just to respawn him... :) But if that's the only way to get his card, I just need to hold on...
  2. Redanox

    Hardmode + loot?

    Hey guys, First of all i love this game :D Hardmode is nice, but does it gives you something extra? For example loot? I was grinding those damn Pecko's for over 1 hour and still haven't got their card... After like 20 minutes i switched to hardmode. I thought the loot droprate would...