A skill suggestion


Green Slime
I am aware that this has caused a lot o' controversy but hear me out and this might just work.
I am also aware that this might have been mentioned somewhere in this forum but this is "my" 2 cents on the matter.

Ok, so we start with the healing in the game, some have said that it can break the game, some are not so oblivious because they know that if implemented correctly there "can" be a healing system in the game that does not break it.

For example, my idea o' a healing system in a game that has auto regeneration on its "mana" system, would be a resource drain.
Much like the "Beserker Style", but I think that one drains it too fast to even be viable.
What I mean as " resource drain " would be a type o' regeneration, not an instant heal, the skill would regenerate your health slowly, starting at 2~3 points at bronze 1 every 10 to 15 seconds.
Now most o' you will be saying " Yeah that's neat but by the time it heals me my energy would have ran out " that is not quite accurate, the way I had in mind is that it would "only" take away energy when it ticks to heal you, so everytime it heals you it takes away "mana" from you.

That would be a good way to implement healing in the game and still having it balanced, its not game breaking because you still have that 15 second window where it does not heal you and you are prone to losing the time and mana spent, also the amount healed is not that big so you have to play carefully if you want it to have an effect.

Another way o' doing it would be having the skill take mana like any other, for example " Protect " and give the player a buff that heals overtime for a duration " a decent duration come on people " with a small heal amount.

For multiplayer play it could act exactly like a "Support" Skill buffing the whole party much like "Protect" ( I like Protect)

For visual effects it could be easily done with some flashy lights and the possibility o' green numbers jumping out o' your character "much like the damage numbers just in a different colour" indicating that you were healed at that moment.

This healing skill could be removed or locked from the Arcade to keep its difficulty intact " so that people don't abuse it between rooms "

That is my take on healing in this game, I actually want everyone that reads this to state opinions about this because this matter is interesting in a game like Secrets of Grindea, I want to know and see different opinions and how you guys would make it work without breaking the difficulty the game has, also if you happen to find some holes in my idea feel free to add to it and make it better, we as a community need to state our ideas and be open to molding, so have at it!

Cheers, CptnPie.


Green Slime
Oh man this sounds like an awesome skill. Especially if they were to introduce a harder difficult that forced you to play multiplayer. The support guy would be invaluable.


Green Slime
When I first saw news of this game I thought that having healing skills would just be par for the course, but after playing it now I'm not so sure.

Healing abilities would have little effect on Story Mode, but I think Arcade mode would suffer from it. One of the things that makes Arcade mode so rewarding to play is that it is challenging. Even a small heal would take away from that. Healing orbs and the bajillion coins needed to pay for healing would be silly in a game where you can just heal yourself. In order to be balanced a healing skill would have to have a major downside. Like, maybe reserving all of your mana for a minor regeneration and not being able to use any other source of healing.


Green Slime
That was addressed in the post, the healing ability would be removed and or locked from Arcade mode to prevent abuse, if you think about it a healing ability could be useful in the story mode, we haven't gotten enough content yet to be able to determine the full difficulty o' the game and like it was mentioned above the abilities heal effectiveness would be measured by you and how defensive you could be as 1 hit from a mob could make all the work healing yourself and expending the mana worthless, this could work if when the healing skill is activated the " energy " did not auto regenerate like it usually does, the mana would tick down every time you were healed by the ability and also when you used your own skills, making it a more defensive thing than offensive, since now your mana pool would be limited for the healing buff's duration. This would also add to the "Support" Role in the game.


Green Slime
Ah, sorry, I must have missed that.

Healing would be fine in Story mode. And I am very curious as to what the rest of the Support abilities will entail.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
The HoT (healing over time) buff that you use like 25-30 mana on that heals you for 5-10 HP every 5 sec for 30 sec (numbers are just for an example) could be really nice, I feel like those type of skills would add more to Hard difficulty than Normal which is fine with me and I feel like there should be more tactical decisions in the game because right now it's so much about knowing how to use the shield correctly and knowing the enemies fighting patterns that there isn't really and difference in how you play Hard and Normal. Making certain things more wanted in Hard than in Normal seems like a good approach to me. :p