A small change to pet EXP levels?


This is how it went the first time I got my pet:

I fed everything I had available to my pet. Then my pet leveled up in one stat. Then the rest of the bars went down.

"...well. I just wasted all those items."

It would probably encourage more variety in pet builds and pet leveling if this formula:

Your pet is level 2. Next stat requires 200 EXP in any stat to go to level 3, then the next stat requires 300 EXP.

Turned into this formula:

Your pet is level 2, with 1 level in +DMG. Their next level in +DMG requires 200 EXP, but their next level in any other stat requires only 100 EXP. Max pet level is 10 overall.

While you could minmax a pet to be amazing in any one stat, it takes more resources (equal to how it works now), but spreading the levels out across multiple stats is easier to hit max with.

So you could go wither 100+200+300+400+500+600+700+800+900+1000 EXP for +10% damage, or 100+200+300 for +3% DMG, 100+200 for +4% HP and 100+200+300+400+500 for +5% crit before hitting pet level cap.


Staff member
I can see that happening to a lot of players, honestly. When we add that mythical cap, I do think it would be proper to make it a bit more lenient, as suggested!