Any way to make the pet minigame easier?


Green Slime
Because I both hate and am terrible at rhythm games. I've been trying at the present for awhile now and pretty much 95% of my attempts end in immediate failure.

I don't mind 'hard', but it'd be nice if my wall in this game was at least in the genre I came to play.


Temporarily switch to keyboard is the only advice I can give. Keyboard is much more precise at Winter's ice maze and pet catching.

Alternatively, stick with the Slime / Rabby pets. Those are easy enoughto get, right?


Handsome Moderator
With a controller you can use the D-Pad for the pets. Don't have to use the sticks.
@Varil No, the pet catching won't be made any easier for now. At some point there will be around 10 pets and right now the hardest one is as hard as the 10th will be when the game is finished, or somewhere around that.

So, a pet rebalancing will come but not now.


Staff member
"~10 pets" might've been an estimate we threw out a long time ago, and probably shouldn't be considered that much of a guideline anymore! It could still very well land around that number, but it's not something we've set in stone so to speak :D

Since getting all the pets in the game is optional, and getting at least one pet should be doable by everyone, we feel the stray from the game's core mechanics to be acceptable. The same goes for fishing, which is also a minigame of its own! A proper "wall" would be an infernally difficult story boss, while I feel this is more of a tree that's ruining the view from your virtual porch, and you really want to cut it down but since it's made out of wooden titanium you can't. Yes, that's an analogy I'm going to patent.

Some potentially good news for @Varil is that we've been discussing pet capturing methods that don't involve the DDR-minigame, so you might be able to get some without encountering your rythm based nemesis!


Green Slime
we've been discussing pet capturing methods that don't involve the DDR-minigame

How about a "protect the pet" game where you face groups of enemies trying to kill the pet you're trying to get which can scale with the different kinds of pets? Nothing better than slapping tons of baddies around.


while I feel this is more of a tree that's ruining the view from your virtual porch, and you really want to cut it down but since it's made out of wooden titanium you can't. Yes, that's an analogy I'm going to patent.

Game needs wooden titanium elk/golem analogy pet.

How about a "protect the pet" game where you face groups of enemies trying to kill the pet you're trying to get which can scale with the different kinds of pets? Nothing better than slapping tons of baddies around.

How about a tower defense minigame :p jk

I completed the bee taming while half asleep at 4 AM in less than 5 minutes. People just gotta give it a proper try.

While I am in no means defending the suggestion (I prefer the minigame how it is), just because you can do something easily (especially coordination based tasks), doesn't mean everyone else can