Arcade Furious Giga Slime Strategy


Green Slime
When I searched around for strategy to beat the Arcade-Mode Furious Red Giga Slime, all I found was a couple of mentions of it being nigh-unbeatable and one mention of the devs killing it a few times just to make sure it wasn't too hard.

If I searched poorly and have written a HUGE, moot post, be sure to let me know.

Though I beat it after the recent buff (and thus may have cheapened my achievement), I figured some people would be happy to know my process for defeating it. I know I was rather worried I would never reach the fifth floor, so I'm sure others would like to get there themselves.
My character:
Perks: Sharp Start, Max HP % Boost
Skill: Silver Charge Shadow Clone, Bronze Charge Blade Flurry if it can be gotten. Shadow Clone takes priority.

Whenever a choice of gear presents itself, namely a shop, focus should be put towards retrieving items with +Melee Damage and +Max HP.
The strategy (for the first few attacks):
1. Cast Silver Charge Shadow Clones.
2. Walk into the boss room.
3. Walk right below the blob o' hate and give it a few swings.
*Mind you don't literally walk right below the mid-air blob on its first (show-off-y entry) bounce. It's an embarrassing mistake I don't care to repeat.
*If you did steps 1 and 2 out of order, skip the free swings as the blob might already be wound up for his first hop.
4. Be certain that, just before the Slime jumps, you're directly south of it and centered on it.
*This way, the Slime jumps about 6 inches downwards, lowering the area that it covers in goo!
5. Run southwards like 1/2 of a pace. The Slime's vertical hitbox is tiny, especially when you're intentionally balking him.
6. Now, turn right around north and give a swing at it.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 until it's at the final hop of its set (I genuinely forget if it was 3 or 5 hops, but if there's a small waiting period at the end of it which will give it away.)
8. Stand at a cardinal direction of the Slime for a brief moment (like .25-.5 of a second). Down is best, left and right are good, up is very, very tricky. Now run perpendicular from the direction you stayed at (for instance, if you stayed to the left, run up or down). From here, it'll do one of two things (or both):
*Hammer slam: This is why you ran. Now that it's out of attack options for the moment, start wailing on it!
*Fire mini slimes: In this case, run to it and swing, then run away again if the hammer hasn't already come down. If the hammer has already been used recently, keep swinging through the entire attack!
*Baiting the hammer is very important to get a great deal of good hits out! Just mind that the mini slimes don't get behind you, or they *will* cause trouble.

When the slime turns into the saw-blade-spike-disk thing, first priority is blocking it (running full speed away from it only manages to cover a huge swath of the room in slime!) and second priority is making sure it stays in its own slime, limiting the covered area. If you have a good shield (iron or better, really), it should be possible to just keep the slime at a standstill, especially if you use perfect blocks to knock it back and preserve shield bar.

The above wall of text is how I handled the first few jumps of the Furious Giga Slime, and I carried on through the rest by applying the same principles (dodge the hops vertically and bait it to move slowly and miss its hammer). As long as your path doesn't take you through already-applied slime, you should be able to even make emergency detours to the left or right while you're being chased.

If you're feeling unconfident about your distance (especially if you're kiting the slime upwards and thus have poor visibility), you can use either a no-charge Blade Flurry or your bow for some risk-reduced damage.

I hope this series of suggestions (I really wouldn't call it a comprehensive guide) has been helpful, even if it's reliant on a fighting style (1-hand) and a skill (Shadow Clone) that maybe not everyone is fond of.

If there are any suggestions on how I could better format the enumerated part of the list (again, assuming there isn't somewhere better to get this information that I'm unaware of), it would be appreciated feedback. Well, that and all feedback would be welcome and thanked.



Green Slime
Right now, i'm a bit pissed of this boss in arcade, so I enjoy your guide :p

But it will be better if you take a video :D


Green Slime
Right now, i'm a bit pissed of this boss in arcade, so I enjoy your guide :p

But it will be better if you take a video :D

Sorry, but after the Furious Slime is killed, the quest's complete and it can't be taken again... I actually feel kind of sad myself that I can't try at it again with a different setup ^_^"

I might (*might*) try to put together a sort of illustrated list using screencaps from the Arena Slime sometime in the next couple of weeks though. Maybe I'll just learn how to fraps and use the Arena Slime as an example. I suppose many of the principles remain the same...