Are the Season Mage and Summer Knight Helms in...?


Green Slime
EDIT: Wow, finally got Summer Knight Helm. To give you an idea of how long this took and I have made around 30,000 gold and have gathered over 300 Season Shards over the course of farming for this single item.

I have farmed and farmed and farmed - I've gotten the Cards for both Mages and Knights loooooong ago but still none of the mage helms or summer knight helms. What the heck is going on? o_O

Also, when are all the Card perks from Winterland and Season Temple gonna be actually implemented?
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Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
EDIT: Wow, finally got Summer Knight Helm. To give you an idea of how long this took and I have made around 30,000 gold and have gathered over 300 Season Shards over the course of farming for this single item.

I have farmed and farmed and farmed - I've gotten the Cards for both Mages and Knights loooooong ago but still none of the mage helms or summer knight helms. What the heck is going on? o_O

Also, when are all the Card perks from Winterland and Season Temple gonna be actually implemented?
Yeah, the chance of finding all those helmets/hats is very low and a lot of farming is required. I have over 1000 season shards on my character. :p

We don't know yet but I'm guessing it's going to be release in the next Stable update which will happen when the game goes on Early Access on Steam which we also don't really know when it will happen. :D