Ariadna's Screenshot Album!


Green Slime
I don't know, if that sort of thread is welcome on these forums but I have a screenshot album in every community game I play so I figured out I'd create one here too :) for the sake of good memories and maybe You guys will enjoy viewing it too!

I've bought the game 8.12.2015 after playing 4 hours on the Demo, so far I have just a few screenshots but I'll keep updating the album :)

My second pet - Gift box. Was hard!


Took a solid few min until I managed to succesfully catch it.

Level 20! Not the end of the levelling journey for me though.


Two fishing achievements.



And, last but not least, my HP pet stats as of 9.12:


See You again soon!


Green Slime
So it's another day of Grindin'!

To start off my last fishing achievement:


Followed shortly by a Card Novice achiev:


Then I spent a lot of time perfecting my score at Robin's Archery minigame, and I've got 13.100 and can't figure out how to get past this. Maybe if I get a higher multiplier before the first bee? 13.100 is 13 blue slimes, 2 bees without loosing any multiplier.


And last but not least my HP pet stats as of 10.12:


Hope to throw in more screenies later :)


Green Slime
Another day another accomplishments!

To start after Chocodemon helped me figure out that I can refight bosses I got emitter matrix on first try! Yay!


Then I went on to complete the Santa's Quest and found out what terrible things happened to him after eating the cookie! Of course I had to help him asap and he agreed on a selfie.


While still being in Seasonne I've completed the bell puzzle, which was kinda easy but also fun :) had to run back to Santa Fae two times because someone kept interrupting me


Then, I went on to craft some items and got the Crafting Apprentice achievement :)


And it was all and time to sleep :(