
A mini Cardgame ingame?

  • No too much effort and i dont like it

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Maybee the cards could have MORE uses than the usual pushing stats.
Like in a mini game (if somebody remembers Triple Triad from FF8) something like that.
Where you can gain cards which you usually dont get like an Infuriated Giga Slime Card or sth. like that.
Also a tournament would be a nice addition and gives tons of options to increase playtime on the game.

Its just an idea, because in a World like Grindeas where everyone is obsessed with collecting things, a traiding card game seems perfect to me :D
Also it gives the possibility to let you play with others via the Arena in Grindea.
And maybe you could also lose cards which you have to regain or to re achive trough slaying monsters.
(It would also give a new use to those beautifull designed pictures because they arent used enough in my opinion )

Also i have some ideas on a play concept.

Playfield 4X4

Each card has some arrows. in 8 directions.
If the arrow is pointing toward a card it is a weaknes.
If the arrow is pointing away from the card it is a strenght.
If a card is posend so that its strenght hits another cards weakness, this card has been slayn.
| <=<= | This card has a weeknes if beeing attacked from right but a strenght it could attack on
| | the left

So this card could slay another card of this layout if positionet right of the other one.
This whole thing could be pushed up with arrows with different colors or elements of a monster .
Its just a basic idea i will post later on this day maybee some layout on paint which makes the idea more clear.
What are you thinking? (about the general idea of a trading card game in grindea)
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Green Slime
Like Trible Triad from Final Fantasy 8 ? Awwww <3
Good idea but i think the dev should have other priorities in the game, but maybe a idea for the future !


Staff member
We have it planned to implement some sort of card game, but as Sunnieh suggests it has been pretty low priority! Not because the idea is not awesome, but because it would require a pretty significant amount of work. Perhaps we need a "break" from the main game some day and decide to game jam together the card game!


;) its just a suggestion :D I didnt say that they have to put that in right now :D
Its just maybee its sth. which is implementable on low cost of ressources (time they have to put in)
and the effort is maybee paid with more playtime than the time ted, fred and vilya has to put in to create it.

But thats not on me to calculate when or if they should put sth. like that in ^^ Just throwing with my ideas :D

As said if wanted i will put later on a more specific idea for the rules of such a cardgame online
But just if it is desired ;)


Having a mini game that can stand out like FF8's TT would be amazing. I'd definitely donate some $ for that.