[Crash] Arcade - Crash after equipping pin

Azure Fang

Green Slime
Version: 1.01a Steamy Hot Unstable

Error: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.Load[T](String assetName)
at Watchers.BadgeOrbitParticleEffectWatcher.OnAdd() in (path)\GameProgress\EffectWatchers.cs:line 3346
at SoG.Game1._EntityMaster_AddWatcher(Watcher xWatcher, Boolean bCheckConflicts) in (path)\Entities\EntityMaster.cs:line 659
at SoG.Game1._RogueLike_StartOfRoomResetsAndChecks() in (path)\LevelLoading\Arcademode.cs:line 5473
at SoG.Game1._LevelLoading_DoStuff_ArcadeModeRoom(ZoneEnum enLevel, Boolean bStaticOnly) in (path)\LevelLoading\Arcademode.cs:line 2074
at SoG.Game1._LevelLoading_DoStuff(ZoneEnum enLevel, Boolean bStaticOnly) in (path)\LevelLoading\SpecialConditions.cs:line 10461
at SoG.Game1._Level_Load(LevelBlueprint xBP, Boolean bStaticOnly) in (path)\LevelLoading\LevelMaster.cs:line 1659 - FullScreen: WindowedFullScreen - NetworkRole: Client - scue: Footstep - MD5: 1dc8b2f3e149de6853eeb9fa793493e8
OS: Win10, both client and host

Crash occurred on Client, not Host. Finished a three slime archery challenge on the first floor and equipped the awarded pin. Crashed seconds afterward. Reported via report tool, but created thread just to be thorough.