Difficulty and grinding


Green Slime
Hey! So we got a 4-pack last Friday and been playing the shiz out of this game! There is nothing better than coming home at the evening, grabbing a cup of coffee and then trying to beat the crap out of bosses with friends! We are currently playing on the Hard difficulty since we feel like it gives us the perfect challenge! (Like we always wipe some times at bosses and then have to figure out a strategy and maybe go grinding Exp and gold for potions). At the moment, we are stuck on that giant robot in the first temple and we decided we should get a few more levels until the next time. But then, grinding for levels seem to be a process that loses efficiency exponentially. Like the first 8 levels went pretty fast through grinding but now it takes forever! (We are currently killing those mobs in that haunted forest). Any thoughts on that?


If you absolutely need more levels, you can access Seasonne (west of Evergrind) immedately after killing Phaseman. Better loot and more EXP, but it is sequence breaking in a way.