Does higher difficulty give higher chance for cards dropping?


Green Slime
Title says it all, just curious. I've benn playing on normal since i got the game a week ago, but have just changed to hard. So i wondered whether it would change my card situation? :)


Staff member
We had some back and forth about this early on, actually, but decided that Hard mode would only be there to provide players with a challenge! (and eventually, Steam achievements ;D)

So, no, apart from slightly higher spawn rates there are no farming benefits from playing on Hard! If you're into the challenge, I'd actually suggest creating a new character and play on Hard from the beginning. The experience is quite different!


Does hard mode not even alter the elite rates?

It would be nice if Hard Mode toggled Elite enemies on from the beginning (though maybe not in Pumpkin Woods until the quest there has been completed), since otherwise you'll never legitimately encounter a worthwhile Slime/Rabby/Bloomo/Bee monster in story mode. :p