Double Trouble Arcade / Arena Challenge?


This only occured to me when looking at a Marino fight:

Vilya is slow, lumbering and packs a single, solid punch with a rare dash attack.

Marino is quick, nimble and does lesser damage over a series of combo attacks.

It would be interesting to see an Arcade Challenge that put two bosses in the same room, while dividing the number of floors by half. :) Or an Arena challenge. Which made me realize that a bunch of the other bosses have potential good synergy as well. Under the assumption of an Arcade Challenge:

Floor 1: Pillar Mountains, Vilya + Marino on the bridge.
Floor 2: Evergrind Forest, Gigaslime + a fully Elite The Zoo. Gigaslime damages enemies he lands on and the boar damages enemies he charges through. The boss practically kills itself. :D
Floor 3: Pumpkin Woods, Jumpking + Terrorweed. Perhaps without Scarecrow or Jumpkin adds. Dodging bats and spikes simultaneously while trying to kill the both of them and being knocked around by Terrorweed seems like a lovely challenge.
Floor 4: Flying Fortress, Gundam + Sentry in the middle, spawning enemies throughout the fight.


Handsome Moderator
Your idea reminds me of a certain boss fight.



Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
Umm.. Vilya + Marino on the first floor? :S
That sounds so incredibly hard. I love it! XD