Experimental Lore – what do you guys think?


Green Slime
The current world is a paradisiac landscape that unfolds upon our eyes: people live in small towns, with lots of greenery surrounding them, and even if The Gods do not smile upon them anymore, their closest mediator, the Fae, will help them with their matters, and bring the seasons to the world.

But what if I told you that the humble people of Grindea were capable of great things?

Yes. Such were their accomplishments: they tamed every season; built animated dolls upon their likeness, so they would not need to work; created devices that would allow instant travel from a place to another; and there was no need to wait for the seasons to pass, for even fruit that today can only be harvested during the summer could be harvested in the harshest winters.

Yet not even such feats could satisfy the hearts of the God-people. Even though they were Gods, and able to bend time itself, they could not bring back their dead, and thus they despaired upon the realization of their own mortality. After all, what is the point of bending time itself if you cannot spend your time with those you love?

And so, they went on to try to circumvent their greatest and last limitation: mortality itself.

Thus, several artifacts were born from their hearts’ desires. But three were the most noteworthy:

· From the need to conquer through their wits, Amalet.

· From the need to conquer through raw power, Gaantlet.

· From the wish to protect their people, Shield.

With them, humankind aspired to achieve great wonders. But great calamity befell them instead.

It was almost too late when they realized they needed an artifact that would nullify all traces of evil from Amalet and Gaantlet; its desire to absorb all corruption should be equal to the desire to conquer all things. Thus, the Great Nullifier (Ο Μέγας Ακυρώτης) was created; this was not a perfect device, however, for the greed in the heart of men was such that it soiled the personality of this magic object. Hence, it became greedy.

Despite its greedy personality, The Great Nullifier was surprisingly humble for its title; over time, it considered the title to be a chore. So, it adopted a more humble name, Σάκκος.

Unfortunately, Σάκκος seemed to have been greatly moved by The Great Hubris… so moved, in fact, that it was not seen in the Aerial City again. Legend has it that Σάκκος adopted a new name and has been wandering the world ever since…