Fatal crash during gameplay, entire PC freezes


Green Slime
While playing the game, after some time (few hours of gameplay), the game hard crashes with no warning, freezing the entire PC. Task manager doesn't open up, ALT TAB and ALT F4 do not register. Only way to get the computer to unfreeze is a hard power-off, which I don't want to do, and causes recovery screen at startup. This has happened three times in the past few days of playing. The first two times, I was in combat, but this time I was just in dialogue receiving a new quest. Game will stutter a little from time to time, but no stutter leading up to the hard crash. Upon logging back in, all of my progress is saved. Not really sure what to do, as I want to keep playing the game but do not want to hurt my PC by having to hard power off. First crash happened two days ago, and the other two crashes happened on the same day. I dont remember what area I was in during the first crash, but the 2nd crash I was farming some enemies in Tai Ming, and this last crash, I was receiving a quest from Mladimir, "Sponsored Contest" I believe, and as he was telling me about the quest, the game crashed.


Staff member

The game "can't" do this on its own, so likely it is some kind of unfortunate combination of factors!

A couple of ideas: if you have any antivirus running, I would recommend trying to play with it temporarily disabled, and if that helps add the game as an exception! You might also try running the game as administrator (if you play on Steam, you do this by running Steam itself as admin, which will in turn run the games in that mode).

You could also try to turn off as many other programs as you can before running Grindea and see if it stops freezing, and if it stops, you can then try to figure out what program combination is causing the malfunctions!