Finished the game - for now + Class Ideas?


Green Slime
Hi everyone,

So i finally got all items and cards completing 125% in Story mode after 9h 29m 10s played.

My Character:
- Spirit Slash Lvl. 10
- Piercing Dash Lvl. 5 (mostly for getting around faster and cheesing stuff in Arena)
- Shadow Clone Lvl. 1 (30% more dmg on Autoattacks, more dont seem worth i think)
Sitting on 5 Bronze Skillups for now (waiting for more Skills/Passives)

So, did anybody try out a good Hybrid Class? I would love to play a Hybrid, but it really seems unefficient, but still there seem to be some decent Hybrid-Items:

- Purple Petal Garland [Def +4, ATK +20, MATK +20, Crit +4]
- Royal Crown [Def +8, ATK +15, MATK +15, MaxEP +5]
but thats about it, everyhing else, be it chest, boots or weapons is all either Melee or Caster, nothing like a Spellcaster Sword with 20 Atk 20 Matk (yet) in the game.

I would love to hear about your favorite build (especially Hybrid-like).

Greetings Crasher


I had
Lv. 8 Berserk
Lv. 6 Whirlwind
Lv. 6 Cloud Strike

Pretty much used Berserk and Whirlwind when I get enough energy and perfect block to get silver charge.
Cloud Strike is just added damage.
Only things I used that had M.Atk were Purple Petal Garland and Spectacles.
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Green Slime
Dont level skills past 9. It will get bugged and basically deal almost the same damage as a level 1 spell.
You can quick swap weapons, so that makes swapping between 1hand and 2hand very easy. I like using Spirit Slash, Dash, titan Throw and Shadow Clone. It gives you mobility, upfront burst and DPS. The Berserk feels a little bit unrewarding compared to Shadow clone in all seriousness. The buffs you get are really neat, but it takes far too long to stack it up and the energy cost is just too damn high. In hard mode you get kited very easily. The 1 second buff for flash guarding also doesnt seem to work. (it will still drain your EP like crazy) I mean sure you could always buff yourself with berserk and then go for one big hit, if you like huge numbers. but is it worth it? Probably not.