fishing holes in arcade mode


Honestly, I'd like something more to work towards (even if it's minor) to improve arcade mode experience. I think one way to try to improve this is to have the fish have a use other than selling: feeding an arcade-only pet.

Of course, you would want this pet to have some kind of reasonable cap for exp (say level 4 in a stat) but it would add an extra layer of incentive to keep playing the mode (I'm never going to reach 1 billion points total) with a bit of reward for the most hardcore players. It would still not be trivial to level up since you can only get so many fish in a run and it's not like you can grind the first floor for it, either.

Thoughts? Of course, it benefits those that have played more than others but that's already the case when it comes to other unlocks like starting weapon or boosted HP. At the very least, it adds the minor risk-reward decision of "do I sell this fish or do I use it for a slight permanent exp boost for my pet?"


You get a pet taming item in arcade but when you try to use it the game tells you that they are only for story mode for now. So there will probably be pets in arcade eventually? This will probably be a way to level your pets, but because arcade is very different from story they might have to change pets in general.

One thing I'd like to point out is fish aren't worth that much, the highest selling fish, the yeti, sells for 300. So the bigger question i think would be "do I want this stat or do I want to go for another?" of course assuming that pets stay the same from story to arcade, which they might not?

Until pets in arcade are a thing I think it's best to wait on suggestions like this.


Ok thanks. Good to know just how little the fish sell for. I haven't bothered looking, yet, and by the time I get the yetish I'm more concerned about finding a nurse than counting my gold :p