Maybe i can help. I assume that you use Windows XP or older and that you mean the game port and not the router port. If the problem is with the Router
(or you use iOS or Linux) yes say so and i'
ll do my best to help you with that too.
Open any folder and navigate to the the adress bar
and then enter %appdata%
OR navigate to the windows menu and enter %appdata% into the search
After pressing enter you are now in the Appdata/Roaming folder from there you go to the 'Secrets of Grindea' folder.
Inside the 'Secrets of Grindea' folder there are two config files; config.cfg and config.txt. We want to open config.txt and in line 16 can you change the default Port from 24865 to 6000.
Edit: Do you know when you write an answer for 20 Minuten, post it, and realize that it was resolved 10 minutes ago...
at least i got the problem right...