[Gameplay] (360 Controller) Trigger menus disregarded in favor of shield, when ability unavailable


On the XBox 360 controller, your 12 quickslots (10 + shield and attack) are mapped to A, B, X, and Y, Right Trigger + A, B, X and Y, and Left Trigger + A, B, X and Y.

However, when using a spell that's RT + A, if the spell's casting frames still haven't completed, or I don't have enough EP to use the spell, when I hit the key again, instead of just not doing anything, it instead brings up the shield. (which is supposed to be the A button without any triggers held) So to rephrase: while holding the right trigger, which displays all my spells icons on the quickbar, using a spell too quickly causes my character to shield, even though the shield isn't even displayed on the quickbar as a possible selection.

Video demonstration
Note that for the entire time, I'm holding the right trigger, so pressing A should always use the plant ability, not the shield.

The same applies when using any spell, or uncancellable ability, if you try to hit a Trigger + A ability during it in an attempt to chain them, but accidentally do it too early.
Other key combinations just outright fail if you hit them too early, but don't impede your movement. You just need to depress them and repress them to cast them.

Now while I appreciate the sentiment of implementing this (if it is intentional, doesn't seem like it though, it's probably just order of detection of buttons), in the thick of combat, moving slowly when you are holding a spell button can very easily be confused for charging the spell.
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