[Gameplay] Entire game internally changes coordinates?


This is an interesting bug and can be noticed in three ways.
  1. The area will stop spawning mobs.
  2. Frosty Friend will try to walk off-screen towards one direction for no apparent reason.
  3. Insect Swarm goes bananas and fliy in a certain direction without interacting with mobs.
This bug will reset and go away when exiting the room.
It has happened lots of times for me before, mostly in arcade mode, but this time i got it on film. :)
I usually see this when Insect Swarm stops working on Giga-slime in Evergreen Fields, Arcade levels 3/4.

I do not know how you guys have built game but i have some guesses and my belief is that the game suddenly goes from one set of coordinates to another one on one axis. Something like a re-initialization at +100% x or y. The first initizalization is still visible and ok and will be what the player sees, but everything newly spawned will be spawned in the new area, which is way out of bounds.
In the case of Insect Swarm, the Swarm will spawn at the player, in the "old area" and animate towards coordinates in the "new area".


Staff member
Now that's... interesting, indeed!

The Frosty Friend and Insect Swarm bugs sounds like some weird targeting issue. Based on the video it looks like it recognizes a target that's somewhere else entirely. I actually suspect some kind of NaN error...

I'll have to try to replicate this and see what's up.