[Gameplay] Teddy attempts to saw off his own face

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Once Teddy saw Vilya had been burnt to a crisp by well over a thousand fireballs, stunned many a time by strange rocky fists emerging from the ground, and almost frozen solid, he decides to give up on life, and resorts to slowly sawing off his own face. Have some video evidence:

... Please no fan fics ._.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
The broken AI bug strikes again! This time I seem to have 3 Wisps and two purple Crystals stuck in place, not making any effort to move, even when I move around over here! However this time, when I get near them, their AI updated. Normally they would move around a bit, like the others were doing.

AI lol.png