Global highscore bug?


Green Slime
my 3p and 4p global high scores both disappeared a couple days ago. I don't see my score or any of my friends scores who were with me. One of my friends still does see our 3p high scores, but not our 4p scores. I am confused because shouldn't we both be seeing the same global high score list? How can they be different?


Staff member
Sounds like one or more of your friends might've been caught by the cheat detection and banned/removed! I could confirm it but then I'll need all of your Steam IDs.

Actually, on the info you provide, it sounds like your friends cheated with you in the run, got banned, and your score got wiped as a result.


Green Slime
lol, we are friends irl and I can guarantee that none of us cheated in any way.
And I think I found the steam IDs


Staff member
Hmm... I checked it out, and both Gocanaroj's and Ledeoim's scores were tagged for EP and MaxEP errors, although otherwise the scores looked normal.

I'm open to the possibility of there being a false positive, though! Stranger things have happened (although that specifically hasn't for a couple of years)

Are you running Stable or Frontline? Which of you three were hosting? Do you remember what builds you ran (including talents)? Chain Lightning + Static Touch + Second Wind has caused some issues. Was it that?


Green Slime
I was the one hosting, they both lag too much when they host so they always make me.
I was running flamethrower, frosty friend, haste, manaburn, intelligence, surgeon and brutality I believe.

Ledeoim was running flamethrower, frosty friend, summon plant, and I think the same 4 talents I think, but I am not positive.

Gocanaroj was running flamethrower, frosty friend, protect, and I think the same 4 talents, but he might have had quick reflexes instead of another talent, I know he likes getting that.

and on our 4 player run zanaffar was running Whirlslash, static Touch, and I am not sure what else. ( he literally only played grindea this 1 time, he practiced for like, 2 hours before joining us for a 4p attempt and he survived surprisingly well through our run, although the 3 of us running flamethrower mowed through most of the game quickly so he didn't have to do much )

Also, on our 4 player run ledeoim had a glitched frosty friend ( a glitch that has happened to Gocanaroj 2 times in the past, and now once to Ledeoim ) where on my screen as the host, I do not see his frosty friend at all, but the others all see his frosty friend just standing at the map entrance doing nothing. And he is unable to use any commands meaning he cannot get rid of the frosty friend to re summon it. so we had to go through the rest of the run without his summon )

EDIT: and I don't know what running stable or frontline means, sorry.


Staff member
Interesting... I guess the most likely culprit of a EP/MaxEP error would be a bugged out summon, since that's the only thing that affects them both at the same time.

I removed your friends from the ban list (a historic moment), but it sadly also meant their scores had to disappear as well :(

I'll investigate the Frosty Friend's disobedience issues. Do you have any clues as to when this happens? Like, has he started doing this in the middle of a room, or is it always after zoning? Any other similarities you can recall?


Green Slime
Gocanaroj had it happen to him 2 times when he dismissed it(he no longer dares dismiss it, cause there seems to be no way to fix it for the entire run), I see it disappear like it was supposed to, but he continues to see it just stand still and do nothing, but because he sees it out, he couldn't re summon it, and the commands like dismissing it or having it use frenzy were grayed out. When it happened to Ledeoim I don't think he dismissed it, I believe his just died and when we went to the next room it was glitched. And thank you for your time looking into this issue. :)

EDIT: I asked them both if they remember what happened with the frosty friend glitch.
Ledeoim says his summon was dead, and then he died, and when the rest of us cleared the room he was revived and his summon was glitched before changing rooms. And Both of Gocanaroj's happened after he dismissed it. He can't remember for sure but he thinks he dismissed it like normal, and then when we changed rooms his summon was back and glitched.
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