but ruby is only easy to use If you already know c++ or C#
lol, nope.
Ruby is the simplest and easiest programming language ever. You'd rather say that "Ruby is easy to use if you know how to program", however I picked it up when I was a complete utter newbie in programming. It lets you make programs in more natural way, because you just write what you want to do. In other languages, you also have to deal with variable typing, exception catching (in Java), memory management, array bounds, compiling and all this crap.
I just don't understand why C/C++ are the first languages you usually learn. When you don't know anything about programming, they are just terrible, because you don't know what is happening. Especially when C++ compiler throws you long error report which you have scroll few times to see where it begins.
Ruby's main site there is a "getting started" section on the right. That's where I started. Then I don't remember what I did, but I somehow found the game library called Gosu, which I use till today.
And I didn't suggested anything about using RPG Maker. I only said I used to use it and that it uses Ruby for scripting. But I don't recommend it to you, unless you just want to make a Final Fantasy clone.
I now sort of understand what map you wanted to make, but I can't really help you when I don't know how you manage maps. What is the problem you have? The "algorithm" is basically broken into two parts: creating the layout and filling it with content. Creating layout really depends on how you store your map, because you need some access to adjacent zones to check where they lay and know their borders. When your layout is created, you then need to use the zone data to create objects within the zone (like actual tiles or trees or whatever).
You could store your zones inside a list, so it's size can be modified. I don't know if Game Maker supports lists, but a normal array won't work, because they are usually fixed-size. If your zones are rectangular then it's pretty easy and you only need access to their position and dimensions, so you know where to fit new ones.
Does this help you somehow? I don't want to go too deep into this unless I locate your exact trouble