How to give your female character a hair-hoodie

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Step 1: Select this hairstyle. It only works as well as it does with this one because it has a few dark pixels missing from the ends where it overlaps the scarf, which denote it's outline. Sadly I think this will be fixed when the re-done hairstyles are implemented.


Step 2: Change your hair colour, scarf colour and also sweater colour to the same colour. Only the scarf and hair are essential to get the hood effect, but the sweater also gives the hoodie feel, as oppose to it being an extra or different coloured hood on your sweater.


Congrats! You now have a hoodie! Here are some optional bonuses:

The Thug:

Equip angry eyebrows. Simple as that :p


The Cat-hoodie:

Change the hoodie to all black and equip cat ears! Also covers up most of the hair giving a more hood-like effect.


NOTE! Sadly it doesn't work when looking on from the sides or behind T^T Perhaps this could be an option for a headgear? But then you can't have the cat hoodie >_<
