I have an extremely serious question which may completely change the world.

Who do you think gets the coffee?

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Green Slime
If I were to buy the "Valkyrie Hat (or "Buy Us Coffee") DLC", WHICH DEVELOPER GETS THE COFFEE :O??? It says in the Steam Store images for this DLC that the money I'm giving for this DLC is only enough for ONE Caramel Cappucino from Grindbucks, however the title of the DLC says that I'm buying them all coffee.
So, do they all share the coffee, or does one of the devs hog it while the other two are forced to watch jealously?
Or... were you all just lying to us the entire time and you do something else with the money :p?

#Exposed #WhoGetsTheCoffee?

I'm going to assume you all share it, and that you play rock paper scissors to see who gets the first third of the coffee. ;)

On the serious note, if you're wondering how this could change the world:
One of the devs could consume an unreasonably large amount of coffee to make either Vilya, Teddy, or Freddy (In game) have unrealistic reflexes and become super overpowered, so much so that we don't stand a chance against them! This could theoretically completely change the world..... Of Grindea!
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