Licenses for youtube?


Green Slime

Will it be possible to get a license to make "Let's plays" for youtube.
And if it is possible to get a license, what do I have to do to get one, after purchasing the game? ^^

LG shnoopx


Staff member
You don't need a license to make Let's plays! Anyone can put up videos of the game, in fact we'd love it if you do :)

It would be kind of you if you mention that it's a still in beta, though, just so people know it's not finished yet and will still be improved upon!


Green Slime

Thank you for the answer.

The reason why I asked about a license is, that I live in germany. It is possible to get problems with the german law if I make a Let's Play without a license. We have a special legislation in relation to copyright.

I hope you understand what I'm talking about. ^^

LG shnoopx


Usually when I do gameplays (Lets plays) I link the game website on the description. Just to help out and if people are interested they can buy the game.


Green Slime
Sure, I would do that too. But there is still the Problem that you get warnings in Germany if you make a Let's Play without a Youtube License for the game you play.
It's like a Industry and there are companies which make money with warnings for german youtuber without licenses.

Thats the reason why I ask about a license before I do anything like a Let's Play.

LG shnoopx


Staff member
We've never had to issue any such license before, so we don't even know what it looks like! If you could show us a template or something perhaps we could fill it out. Are you sure it's not enough with an official statement from us that all video/streaming is allowed?


Green Slime
Hi and thanks for your help again.

I asked some friends, which made some Let's Plays in germany.
They told me that it would be enough if you have an official statement at your homepage, that all streaming/video is allowed.

Publishers without that kind of statmend are asked to give an allow via E-Mail.

I will try to get more information and will post again when I got them.

Thx shnoopx


Staff member
We updated the main page a little while back now, adding that we are totally fine with anyone streaming or making let's plays of the game in the FAQ section. Hopefully that's enough for now, but let us know if there's anything else we can do! :)