Live Streaming Secrets of Grindea Mirror Room [Online]


Green Slime
I'll be streaming live tonight around 8PM EST time.

I'll also be giving away one or two copies of Secrets of Grindea to one or two lucky viewers. Please don't pretend you don't own the game just to get it for someone else as I'll be giving it to you via steam. If anyone has a friend that would like to play the game feel free to direct them to the stream.

Note: I'm also thinking about streaming a bit of Multi-player so if anyone already has the game and would like to join me just reply to this thread. We can either start over or start where I left off (The graveyard map). I can easily host four people on my PC.

See ya guys then!


Green Slime
Hey everyone,

I'm rescheduling it for 9:30PM EST so that way people who would like to join in on the multiplayer have time to reserve a spot. I'll also update this info on Reddit.

And now it's time to fix up my Bug Report guide so it fits Secrets of Grindea. :)


Green Slime
for me its too late, but maybe next time :D

This won't be the last time I stream the game. I'll be here up until release! Even though I'll mostly play on the Unstable client with my bug smash hammer, I'll still be streaming at least once a week on the Stable Server. I'm sure I'll catch ya next time or the time after that or..ya, you get it. :p