Magic Diversity


Green Slime
I was thinking it would be cool if there was an elemental version of each magic ability. Meaning if there was a Summon type of spell for Fire, Water/Ice, Earth, and Lightning. Then a targeted spell, an AoE wave, and a projectile attack. Then each of the different elemental types would have their own twist on the attack so it's not all the same.


-----Fire: When I think of Fire magic I think of Explosions and damage over time. So maybe the projectile would explode at the end of its reach and at Gold level leave behind a trail of fire that burns enemies.

-----Earth: Then when I think about Earth I think of Knockback/up and stuns so maybe the Projectile progressively knocks enemies farther back and maybe stuns them at Gold.

-----Lightning: It already chains which is good and maybe add a paralysis where they get stunned for a quarter second every 1.5 seconds or something.

-----Ice: It would pierce enemies and slow them like it already does, so, that's good.


-----Fire: The Meteor for Fire works well, I was just thinking maybe give it more of an emphasis on the AoE explosion of the impact and burning effect it leaves on the ground.

-----Earth: Again, the current Earth Spike works well for this theme already.

-----Lightning: "Electricity" usually makes me think chaining attacks and rapid hits, but "Lightning" makes me think of one solid strike for lots of damage so maybe the targeted spell would be the most powerful of the four but require longer charge and cost more EP

-----Ice: A Blizzard/hailstorm seems a little cliche but I think it would work for a targeted spell if it also slowed enemies and maybe froze enemies that stood in it for too long at Gold level. It would have a stronger debuff but less actual damage


-----Fire: This could be a Phoenix that just orbits the player, scorching nearby enemies while draining EP like the Berserk mode for the 2Handed weapons, or maybe it could just follow around like the lightning cloud but focus more on ranged attacks rather than just attacking near the player like the lightning cloud.

-----Earth: Maybe just modify the Plants a bit to have the Gold Tier plant follow the player rather than only be a sentry.

-----Lightning: The Cloud is pretty good as is.

-----Ice: Same for the Snow Buddy. Maybe it would be cool to summon multiple small ones as an option rather than only summoning one big one but then it could be hard to try to control all of them at once.


-----Fire: The Flamethrower kind of fills this position, or you could add a spell that references Din's Fire from Ocarina of Time and have an AoE burst from the Hero and maybe burn the ground around them at Gold level.

-----Earth: Again, the Bugs kind of work, maybe if they got a bit more of an increase in how many bugs get sent out so it's like a stream of bugs rather than a small wave. Or separately you could use an Earthquake type spell to stun enemies around you and some damage. It would be less powerful then other Wave/Nova abilities but have more status effect power.

-----Lightning: Maybe Lightning could strike the hero (without damaging them ofcourse) and chain out towards surrounding enemies and at each tier it chains out further for longer periods of time so this has the most range but on the lower end of Damage and longer cast time.

-----Ice: The Frost Nova already fits well, just maybe freeze enemies rather than slow them at Gold.

Attack Buffs:----------

-----Fire: Pretty simple, just add flame damage to attacks and cause burning.

-----Earth: Increase Knockback and damage

-----Lightning: It already has a spell like this

-----Ice: Again simply cause the chilling effect like the Talent points. Maybe it could either replace the Talent or get an extra buff from the talent.

I know this was a bunch of ideas all in one post and we were kind of told not to do this so if you'd like to break it down into multiple posts I wouldn't really know how to dissect it. Also last thought maybe each Element would have their own unique spell that further exemplifies their attributes that can only be learned after getting a couple spells in that element to silver.


I like how the developers have made it, how each element setup has its quirks, and isn't just reskins of the same 5 spells will minor variations.

Of course, more spell choice is never a bad thing, but I feel it could be done in a more creative way.


I can completely understand however; because I never see myself using any of the earth spells except the ability to summon vines.

I guess maybe the earth spike has use; but it doesn't seem useful to me nor is the mana cost anywhere worth the damage it does. I guess I would've liked things like spikes expanding around you or in a straight line one pillar at a time depending on how you guide the path using the movement controls.

Even fire looks harmless as all hell; as much as I love the game's gameplay I feel like there is no balance between swordsmanship and magic; the most aggressive magic spells are flamethrower and static touch.

But this is a beta and it's too soon to guess what the developers have in mind ofcourse. They are pretty creative and hell most spells aren't even finished yet so we'll see how far it goes.