Magic UP in comparison to Melee


Green Slime
My friend and I have been playing Grindea. He's got a very, very fast speedy attack build which is putting out huge amounts of damage, and quickly. offensive magic I've been using does so little in comparison and the recharge time compounds this. The same could be said to a lesser extent about Frosty though he's fairly useful. I can deal 300 damage in the same time he can deal almost 2000. I think My magic upgrades are approximately the level of his. This is character level 12-13.


Green Slime
1h swords used to be really overpowered while magic was under performing. However there was a balance patch that made things much more even. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that balance patch has only been added to the frontline version. For example that patch nerfed 1h weapon damage by 30% while buffing magic in various ways. You should consider changing to the frontline version for much better experience.