Mind-wipe potion and appearance-change potions?


Green Slime
I think it would be cool if by the time the full game gets released, there would be potions or an item which can allow you to change the appearance of your character again or remove all skill/talent points so you can spend them again. I know, you can type /respec into the console to spend all your points again, but, I don't think you'll have that option in the full game, but I might be wrong.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
I can see where you're coming from. Currently skill refunding is really the only gold-sink of the game, and people get around that by respeccing. Also, in the early game when you'll be wanting to test out skills, they're probably the most expensive to refund, as refund price scales with level, but you level up too quickly for cash drops to scale up with it. I'm not sure that a mindwipe potion would be the best way around that though. Probably different cash-scaling might be a better solution.

I've talked about name changes, sex changes and spray tans in another thread, so I'm also with you there. However in potion form it seems a little weird to me. Seen as we already have a character which the player can talk to to change haircut or colours of clothes, it would make more sense to expand upon that in my head.


Green Slime
I almost never respec a character at curent since it's pretty easy to just make another and it's unlikely you'd never really use all 9 slots. But respeccing isn't nearly as expensive as power leveling a pet. I think the respec system at current is pretty balance.

However! Maybe make 1 quest reward item from a town around a point of your character being level 50 where you can respec once with it. Just incase you don't like how the character developed.