More arcade block puzzles before Steam?


There's currently like, 3-4 different block puzzles in the arcade. Which gets a little tedious after a while, since after you do the same puzzle two or three times you have it down by reflex. :p

Maybe the community could come up with a bunch of basic / semi-complex block puzzles for putting into Arcade, at least to rival the number of chicken challenges there are.


Staff member
I think we have this pipe dream to remove the puzzles as they break up the pace a bit weirdly, especially after you already know the solution! Got to have stuff to replace them with, though... (did someone say archery challenge?!)

But yes, a host of puzzles picked at random would certainly help with people easily memorizing them!


I actually kind of enjoy the puzzles, because they're interesting when you're under a time limit. There would have to be like 25-50 of them to be worthwhile for Arcade, though.

Also, I get the feeling that if anything messes up the pace of Arcade Mode, it's the fishing event. :p 35+ seconds of uninterrupted fishing really slows things down. It would flow much more smoothly if you guys reduced the amount of time available and made fish auto-bite on casting, vastly improving the pacing and making fishing much more frantic.

Got to have stuff to replace them with, though...

I'd personally love to see phase plates used in more tricky ways. :) Like some sort of "Phase Runner" minigame, putting you in an elaborate room filled with phaseplates, leaving you unable to move except by phaseplates until you win or time runs out. One wrong phase and you lose.


Something not quite as primitive as this, obviously. :D

Though maybe I'm just intrigued by the idea of rapidly using phaseplates due to the Clinger-Winger level in Battletoads. It would certainly be amusing having to rapidly use them, teleporting around an area to escape oncoming, certain death in story mode as well.



Staff member
You make a very good point regarding the fishing game! Auto-biting sounds like a reasonable way to improve the pacing there.

And I agree phase plates aren't used to their full potential! I liked your suggestion (from a while back) to use it as a way to avoid some screen-wide attack, too.