Patch .580c Feedback


Green Slime
It would be nice if this worked with Mana storage (Frost Friend storing 50 mana) to upkeep the damage buff indefinitely. Unfortunately, Mana storage in this game reduces you max Mana instead of storing it per se. In other words, Frost Friend reduces 50 max mana from lets say 100 which you can see by the grey bar on your mana. You will end up with a displayed 50/50 mana. How this affects Manaburn is you would only proc the effect at 25 or less mana and not 50 mana which I think should be the case since your actual max Mana is 100.

Battlemage + Wit is actually a really good combination. I tried this with Spirit Slash and Frost Nova. The utility on Nova is awesome but the real benefit comes from the Mana cost reduction from Battlemage.

Insult to Injury + Battlemage is really good too. Try it by casting Frost Nova first for the chill effect and watch your Whirlslash do like 1500 damage fully charged.

I don't think Chilling Touch works with Crippling Blast. Would be nice if it did for those Shadow
Clone Insult Z button builds.

Chilling Touch + Burning Weapon + Insult to Injury works really well with Shadow Clone and Attack Speed. Not sure if Clones can proc the status effect but having both talents allows you a greater chance of debuffing for Insult's damage buff.

I take back what I said about there not being a lot of talent synergy. There is actually a lot.
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I think the storage system of EP is working as designed.
Also there are special talents for summoners.
And manaburn for summoning is also working nice but it would be tooo much if i summon 2 creatures and beeing
perma under 50%.


Green Slime
Hmm, I'm not sure if perma under 50% is a bad thing. I see it as a trade-off, at 100 Mana, a level 2 Frost Friend will reduce your mana by 50 which effectively will activate Manaburn if it starts at 50 and not 49. 50 Mana is enough for 1-2 spells or 1 charged before you have to run around and wait for mana. If that didn't convince you, take a look at Insult to Injury. Really easy for the Melee builds to activate it via Frost Nova and/or Chilling Touch + Burning Weapon for Normal Attack builds. I'm not trying to say it would be "fair" if Magic Users get the same buff but as you can tell from the example above, Melee users have a way easier time and almost no trade-off for their 30% buff where as Magic users debilitate their sustain damage by quite a lot.


Handsome Moderator
I'm against Manaburn, but i think that summons should take less EP
I mean, yeah it's 50 EP now, but on the highest level later you propably could just have 1 summon and then you're left with 25 EP. Playing a summoner with that high summoning cost wouldn't be very effevtive.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I don't think that the summons are gonna take another 25 mana in the next charge (or the last charge if you will). If nothing changes I think it should be possible to have two summons out at the same time. I mean I have around 20 mana left with Shadow Clone and Cloud Strike out and I don't see a problem.


Green Slime
The thing is, there aren't any ways beyond the obvious (keep using spells til you're under 50%) to proc Manaburn. A clever way would be to allow Mana Storing from Summons as an example to forcefully lower your Mana pool to an appropriate amount to activate Manaburn. At the moment, Mana Storing doesn't work like that. Yes, it's working as intended but I'm suggesting a change.

Magic users don't have a way outside of Manaburn to increase damage significantly (30%) whereas Skill users do with Insult to Injury (30% increase with an easy to meet condition).

I feel like I was a bit confusing as I read your responses I hope I clarified it.