Pause game when in multiplayer all players have their menu opened

In singleplayer you can pause the game by opening the menu. In multiplayer however the game won't pause when 1 player has their menu open, but why wouldn't it when all players have their menu open. Some times i just need to pause the game to open the door or something and right now this is not possible in multiplayer.

Another thing is that i sometimes player multiplayer alone in case someone wants to join later on. Even when playing alone the game doesn't get paused like it would in singleplayer.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I don't want the game to pause when I play alone on a multiplayer session, having the game running while I skill up Shadow Clone during my speedruns is a crucial thing. So many seconds are wasted when the game gets paused right after I've watched a cutscene. Give the pause a seperate button inside the menu for MP is my suggestion.
Ah yeah hadn't though about that. I'd still go for a setting on pausing the game when everyone is in a menu because this is a very easy way to pause the game. Or there of course could be both, which would be even beter!
I definitely support some way to pause it. A lot of MP games have settings to allow the host and/or other players to pause it, with host-only as the default and other players as options which can be turned on. In case your buddy has a crazy dog or something. :)


Giga Slime
It'd be nice to have an option for this, cause sometimes things get out of control at home when I'm playing and I'll need to go afk for about 2 minutes. I'd like to have an option as to where if I pause the game; it'll pause for everyone else too.
And to those who don't want that in multiplayer; they wouldn't be forced, as I said, it'll be an option to switch on or off.