Shop that Customizes Costume Item Colors


Green Slime
Say I want a Mage build. My clothes are blue, but my witch hat is black. I take it to a vender, change the color, it's now tan/brown.

What if I want a purple pumpkin mask? Take it to the same person.

More customization is always a plus, and I'm sure this little bit is easy to do. More uniqueness for when you play online.


This sounds like a wonderful extension of the current, I wonder how much work it would be.. I imagine they would have to make a filter and teddy would have to script in all the colors as well as saving/loading and whatever tags are associated with the objects.

I would love to see this though, all the hard work it will take aside.


Green Slime
It seems like the items would have to be specially designed and then coded to be palette swappable, so not the easiest thing to implement? This is probably the same reason you can't choose any colour for pets, the palette swaps are probably manually coloured.


that might take alot of work
but i woudnt mind having even more customization
as much as i love catears having them white would be nice