Skill Polymorphism, and how it can improve Secrets of Grindea skill flexibility.


With the help of an online calculator specifically tailored toward combination calculations, and assuming that a character will only use an average of 2~3 skills, that's an average skill combination of about 700 in variety. That may seem like a lot, but then you should also factor in that plenty of skills will seem a lot less effective together than others. Who's going to use a Meelee warrior with Static Touch? Probably not many.

One way to increase the variety without adding more skills or making things too much more confusing than they are, is to add a bit of polymorhpism to the skills. In many great spellcasting games, there are usually abilities called "Quick Spell", where usually the damage is less but the spell is cast much more quickly. The opposite of quick spell would be something like "Focused Spell" where more time and energy is put into the spell for a greater result. Another interesting type of "Spellcasting" is where the spell is split into multiple parts, or doubles/triples at a slightly decreased cost (If double, then 195% instead of 200% cost) and so on.

This type of Polymorhpism can also apply to meelee skills, where a quickcast of Heroic Slam could make hitting that Furious Giga Slime slightly easier. While a quicker Whirlslash may allow for a quicker knockback, stopping those quicker monsters from hitting in the middle of the skill. Most of the polymorphism would be some sort of animation/casting increase, and could be applied to an object quite easily. If the character happens to have x amount of points into these abilities, they'd be able to choose to toggle these kinds of abilities and have quite the amount of options. "Should I go with a slower Heroic Slam and try to half Giga Slime's HP in Arcade mode in one fell swoop, or go for multiple attacks of the skill and hope to do more/less with crit damage potential?".

The toggle of these types of polymorphs of the abilities doesn't have to be limited to "All your abilities are quickcasted" either. Each ability could have a little toggle indicator as to whether it's normal, multiple, quickcast, or focus cast. Then a new player could see these toggles and learn over time how they impact their abilities. This would give an even greater range of choices in how their play style feels, while still keeping the learning curve relatively low.


Who's going to use a Meelee warrior with Static Touch? Probably not many.

*raises hand* I use Static Touch with my Whirlslash build. :) It adds a lot of extra DPS with very little casting, and the Silver+ Charge can stun enemies. A great synergy. Even moreso if you combo that stun with Insult To Injury.

That said, I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting. Casting spells/skills faster or quicker for different effects? Isn't that already the Basic / Bronze / Silver / Gold system?


*raises hand* I use Static Touch with my Whirlslash build. :) It adds a lot of extra DPS with very little casting, and the Silver+ Charge can stun enemies. A great synergy. Even moreso if you combo that stun with Insult To Injury.

That said, I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting. Casting spells/skills faster or quicker for different effects? Isn't that already the Basic / Bronze / Silver / Gold system?

Yes, it's a "Talent". Global buffs are nice when it comes to stats, but they don't really add any kind of meat to the gameplay. % extra HP just makes your char feel a bit tankier, and so on. Having skill cooldown as a global effect really doesn't impact gameplay unless the person puts points into it, and i'd rather put that into dmg% or defense. You're also only looking at when I mentioned "quick cast", there are plenty of other ways, some of which I mentioned, to change how a skill/spell works.

That's fine and dandy that you use Static Touch, and i'm sure it'll get some buffs along the way to synergize better with some skills. But Heroic Slam is the superior option compared to Static Touch. What kind of monster needs stunning? None so far. Boars have a long enough delay on both their charge and normal attack to not need a stun at all.