Green Slime
Hello there. Just a few days ago, I stumbled upon the thought of
fight being a bit wacky. Especially on expert difficulty, but difficulty doesn't matter here. Let me explain.
I liked the idea of the game when I first discovered it, which is not having classes at all and building whatever you want. You can't be too defensive of course, but your DPS, utility and mana control might vary a lot.
In theory, you can beat all the bosses with just a wooden sword and crystal shield. A tool assisted run where the machine plays for you perfectly would end up winning every boss fight. Even as level 1.
That is a
ntastic fact! Even though the game has "grind" in it, you can play without it and you are good to go as long as you play well. That fact made me play plant skill to have safe and slow fights. Along with charge-movement speed gear, talent, cheap summon and battery. Which was fun. Even though it lacks damage.
Until last bosses were released, of course. So what's my problem with Dad? The algorithm of him using skills, or the randomizer, whatever you call it, is in fact broken. I beat him on expert after a few tries, but I needed RNG gods on my side. Why?
Of course, not every boss should have a fixed loop of skill usage like The Eye. He should pick whatever he wants randomly from the pool, right? Yes, if he doesn't summon anything. Him summoning Plantaes is not okay if he can just spam it.
So I was having a good time of dodging everything and playing along. He becomes a bit too tanky on second phase so I was taking my time. He was using that skill time to time, which is annoying, but summoning is okay(since I'm doing it too). But then, at one point he went crazy. Until I kill one wave of those Plantaes, which I have to do while he is still attacking me(and I’m actively trying to), he summons more.
There is no restriction for him. He just spams it 3 times in a minute. That is a literal DPS check. If you pass the check, you can beat the boss. You don't have the desired DPS? Sorry, the whole map will explode with explosive flowers, ironically since you play plant!
That's what happened in short. Building "whatever" just doesn't work in this boss. I had some damage so it was manageable but only when RNG gods helped me out. On some runs where more than 5 Plantaes are throwing explosive flowers all around the place, I just died since it is not playable. I later tried with another character, which is 3 levels under my main one. With fireball it was a piece of cake, since I passed the check.
The other DPS check is on Zhamla. Which is on the Braazlet part. It is a lot better and playable compared to Dad so I’m not really complaining about that. It sucks I had to change my build though. Queen Plant combined with around 15 uncharged plants beating him damaged around 1/3 of Braazlet’s HP, which in the end means 3 turns. Other character, the 3 level under one can easily do it in 2 turns using Flame Thrower. I do not have any problems with the balance of those skills, it just doesn’t feel right to have a DPS check like that.
In terms of solution and suggestion: If there are already many of his summons on the map, I think he should just stop. Of course, refusing to beat those plants should be punishing, which it is by pouring flowers on the whole map, but a dodgeable amount. Even with perfect moves; at some point, which might take only a few minutes even, you are flooded with 10 summons. As I said, my damage wasn’t extremely bad and I was cleaning them up, only to see him spamming the same ability every 20 seconds. With 6 of those summons on the field it is impossible.
The idea of “even level 1 can beat” kind of dies here. If that idea wasn’t in the game in first place, I played this game for hundreds of hours and still managed to not get the idea of it. Which could be my bad and I could be wrong.
Thanks for reading. If I ever sounded offensive, sorry about it. I’m not an expert of writing these kinds of things. I’m only an expert of beating Zhamlas.
I liked the idea of the game when I first discovered it, which is not having classes at all and building whatever you want. You can't be too defensive of course, but your DPS, utility and mana control might vary a lot.
In theory, you can beat all the bosses with just a wooden sword and crystal shield. A tool assisted run where the machine plays for you perfectly would end up winning every boss fight. Even as level 1.
That is a

Until last bosses were released, of course. So what's my problem with Dad? The algorithm of him using skills, or the randomizer, whatever you call it, is in fact broken. I beat him on expert after a few tries, but I needed RNG gods on my side. Why?
Of course, not every boss should have a fixed loop of skill usage like The Eye. He should pick whatever he wants randomly from the pool, right? Yes, if he doesn't summon anything. Him summoning Plantaes is not okay if he can just spam it.
So I was having a good time of dodging everything and playing along. He becomes a bit too tanky on second phase so I was taking my time. He was using that skill time to time, which is annoying, but summoning is okay(since I'm doing it too). But then, at one point he went crazy. Until I kill one wave of those Plantaes, which I have to do while he is still attacking me(and I’m actively trying to), he summons more.
There is no restriction for him. He just spams it 3 times in a minute. That is a literal DPS check. If you pass the check, you can beat the boss. You don't have the desired DPS? Sorry, the whole map will explode with explosive flowers, ironically since you play plant!
That's what happened in short. Building "whatever" just doesn't work in this boss. I had some damage so it was manageable but only when RNG gods helped me out. On some runs where more than 5 Plantaes are throwing explosive flowers all around the place, I just died since it is not playable. I later tried with another character, which is 3 levels under my main one. With fireball it was a piece of cake, since I passed the check.
The other DPS check is on Zhamla. Which is on the Braazlet part. It is a lot better and playable compared to Dad so I’m not really complaining about that. It sucks I had to change my build though. Queen Plant combined with around 15 uncharged plants beating him damaged around 1/3 of Braazlet’s HP, which in the end means 3 turns. Other character, the 3 level under one can easily do it in 2 turns using Flame Thrower. I do not have any problems with the balance of those skills, it just doesn’t feel right to have a DPS check like that.
In terms of solution and suggestion: If there are already many of his summons on the map, I think he should just stop. Of course, refusing to beat those plants should be punishing, which it is by pouring flowers on the whole map, but a dodgeable amount. Even with perfect moves; at some point, which might take only a few minutes even, you are flooded with 10 summons. As I said, my damage wasn’t extremely bad and I was cleaning them up, only to see him spamming the same ability every 20 seconds. With 6 of those summons on the field it is impossible.
The idea of “even level 1 can beat” kind of dies here. If that idea wasn’t in the game in first place, I played this game for hundreds of hours and still managed to not get the idea of it. Which could be my bad and I could be wrong.
Thanks for reading. If I ever sounded offensive, sorry about it. I’m not an expert of writing these kinds of things. I’m only an expert of beating Zhamlas.