Suggestion #2: Change the plant


Green Slime
Hello there!

Then the plant seems quite weak for me... It is bond to one small place and has small reach. When finally an enemy approaches and is near enough, the damage dealt is also quite small.

To improve that plant - hopefully not overpowering it - I would suggest at least higher damage for the disadvantage that it can't move. Or adding an ability like piercing ranks (ranks the plant pushes into the earth and releasing them in a distance - into an enemy!) or like spraying pollen or like spitting seeds. Those distant-damage-abilities can be for example quite weak as for the attacks-in-near-range could be strengthened. How about that?

I agree (and have seen others agree also) that the plant is a neat idea but disappointing in how it performs. So maybe we need to collect ideas for it. Narya's idea to have plants use a weak projectile attack or have longer reach is an idea worth testing.

Here's another idea I have. What if it made a circle of plants around you with a single cast (instead of one per cast but in no formation). Like this for rank 1:
Higher ranks would fill in the gaps until it's a circle with no breaks. You could stand inside it and shoot or attack or block, etc. I don't know if doing this would still require a damage boost or if it's minor damage would be just right. Or maybe it wouldn't work at all, I'm not sure. :p

What ideas do you guys have for improving the plant spell?

PS to Narya how do you tag people?


Green Slime
@camelotcrusade ←do you mean that? The user is automatically tagged when you put a @ before the name. Otherwise you can also type (without the spaces) [ USER = 'a certain number', in my case it's 957 which you can find out by going into my profile and then copying the number behind the dot after the name in the browser's adress-line :p) ]'put name here'[ / USER ]

PS: Yes, I'm having fun finding out such things like "Where do I get that funny number from?" or "How do I put things in manually?"