[Text] Conflicting references to the game's energy system


The bar on the player's GUI calls it "Energy", and this is also referenced by attempting to use a spell when low Energy, it says "Need EP!" (Energy Points)

But for the pet system, the feed menu calls it the generic "Mana", and when changing pets, it's referred to on the pet stat cards as "SP" (Skill Points)

Is this an intentional reference to every single generic MP system in RPG games? Or is just someone derping when working on all the different elements of the game?


Staff member
Haha, while it would've been an interesting next level reference, it's actually a product of us changing the name of our spell resource three times, and not catching all the places it was mentioned!

The official name is Energy, and the pet menus have just fallen behind the times.

We'll change that to be consistent! Good catch!